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Search results

  1. jeffewing

    Elena's Baby

    Just out of curiosity who does everyone think was the father of Elena's baby? In my opinion, no show's season should end on a cliffhanger without already knowing it's picked up for another season. So many things were left up in the air.
  2. jeffewing

    Christopher and Pamela's Divorce

    Was just rewatching the second season of Dallas and I was just wondering why no one brought up in court when Christopher was trying to get the annullment that he and Pamela would be legal cousins. So basically Christopher unknowingly married his cousin.
  3. jeffewing

    Just finished re-watching Dallas TNT

    I just finished watching Dallas TNT again this weekend. I think it was the first time I've re-watched since it originally aired and I still have a couple questions. First off in season 2, I don't see how Christopher couldn't have gotten an annulment. He unknowingly married his adopted first...