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Dallas TNT - "Forgiveness"


Karin Schill

Thank you for the feedback @stevew
You make an excellent point of how Pamela and John Ross could have a baby that is biologically his child. I must confess that I didn't even think of that!

Then as for the business. I am not that good at the details as you are so I am wondering what is an IPO?
I think the reason why John Ross doesn't just want to start his own company is because the Ewing legacy has been drummed into him since he was little. He grew up thinking he would inherit his father's company. So if he'd start his own company it wouldn't be the same.

Now on to the next update...


Lucy was upstairs in their bedroom putting in the laundry, when Mitch came home from work, earlier than expected. “Mitch! What are you doing home so early?” Lucy asked, as she was surprised to see her husband. “I thought you didn’t get off work until six.”

“I don’t but when I talked to Doctor Cohen earlier today I had to come here,” Mitch told her in a clearly upset voice.

Lucy’s face paled when she heard that, “You know Doctor Cohen?”

“Yeah he used to work at the clinic,” Mitch said.

“Oh,” Lucy made a face as she realized that she’d stepped in it.

“Lucy why didn’t you tell me that you thought you had cancer?” Mitch asked and Lucy closed her eyes, as she was found out.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” she said with tears in her eyes. “Besides what happened to patient-doctor confidentiality?”

“Doctor Cohen thought I should know,” Mitch said. “I mean you’re my wife and we said in sickness and in health, right?”

“Right, so does that mean that I’m dying?”

“He didn’t say. But this came for you today.” Mitch reached Lucy a letter that had come with the mail that had the hospital’s logo on it. “I am sure your answer is in there.”

“Then you open it,” Lucy said. “I’m too nervous to!”

“Are you sure?” Mitch asked. “I mean it is addressed to you and this type of mail is confidential.”

“You said it yourself, you’re my husband so we should be able to share things like this.”

“Alright, here it goes,” Mitch opened the letter and Lucy studied his face for a reaction but his face gave away nothing as he muttered, “Just as I thought.”

“I’ve got cancer?” Lucy asked, as she tried to mentally brace herself for what was coming. Ever since her grandma had breast cancer she had feared this moment and now when it was here it felt like the time was standing still. She was so scared. But she tried to hide her fear behind a brave mask.

“No, it was benign,” Mitch smiled.

“So that means I’m healthy?” Lucy’s face broke up in a relieved smile.

“Yes,” Mitch smiled.

“Oh Mitch, I’m so relieved!” Lucy said as the tears started streaming down her face, “I mean I’ve been so scared. I thought for sure that I had cancer. I mean my grandma was a breast cancer survivor, JR died from cancer, Bobby had it too and...”

“I know honey but you don’t have cancer,” Mitch smiled, as he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

“Thank God!” Lucy smiled, before she gave him a big kiss. Suddenly she was feeling very much alive again. Her life had been so good in the last decade that she had thought for sure that it couldn’t last. She had been waiting for the other shoe to drop and for something to punch her in the gut. She had been so sure that cancer was the evil that was going to destroy their happy home and end her life prematurely. So to find out that she had been wrong and that all her worrying had been for nothing made her feel like she was all over the place emotionally. She was happy, relieved, stunned and most of all grateful. She knew now that it was better to get checked up and face whatever was coming head on, than to live her life in fear of something that might not even be true. At least now she knew. She didn’t have cancer and life was still good. In fact it was better than good, it was damn near perfect.


Telly Talk Star
Reaction score
Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you for the feedback @stevew
You make an excellent point of how Pamela and John Ross could have a baby that is biologically his child. I must confess that I didn't even think of that!

Then as for the business. I am not that good at the details as you are so I am wondering what is an IPO?
I think the reason why John Ross doesn't just want to start his own company is because the Ewing legacy has been drummed into him since he was little. He grew up thinking he would inherit his father's company. So if he'd start his own company it wouldn't be the same.

Now on to the next update...


Lucy was upstairs in their bedroom putting in the laundry, when Mitch came home from work, earlier than expected. “Mitch! What are you doing home so early?” Lucy asked, as she was surprised to see her husband. “I thought you didn’t get off work until six.”

“I don’t but when I talked to Doctor Cohen earlier today I had to come here,” Mitch told her in a clearly upset voice.

Lucy’s face paled when she heard that, “You know Doctor Cohen?”

“Yeah he used to work at the clinic,” Mitch said.

“Oh,” Lucy made a face as she realized that she’d stepped in it.

“Lucy why didn’t you tell me that you thought you had cancer?” Mitch asked and Lucy closed her eyes, as she was found out.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” she said with tears in her eyes. “Besides what happened to patient-doctor confidentiality?”

“Doctor Cohen thought I should know,” Mitch said. “I mean you’re my wife and we said in sickness and in health, right?”

“Right, so does that mean that I’m dying?”

“He didn’t say. But this came for you today.” Mitch reached Lucy a letter that had come with the mail that had the hospital’s logo on it. “I am sure your answer is in there.”

“Then you open it,” Lucy said. “I’m too nervous to!”

“Are you sure?” Mitch asked. “I mean it is addressed to you and this type of mail is confidential.”

“You said it yourself, you’re my husband so we should be able to share things like this.”

“Alright, here it goes,” Mitch opened the letter and Lucy studied his face for a reaction but his face gave away nothing as he muttered, “Just as I thought.”

“I’ve got cancer?” Lucy asked, as she tried to mentally brace herself for what was coming. Ever since her grandma had breast cancer she had feared this moment and now when it was here it felt like the time was standing still. She was so scared. But she tried to hide her fear behind a brave mask.

“No, it was benign,” Mitch smiled.

“So that means I’m healthy?” Lucy’s face broke up in a relieved smile.

“Yes,” Mitch smiled.

“Oh Mitch, I’m so relieved!” Lucy said as the tears started streaming down her face, “I mean I’ve been so scared. I thought for sure that I had cancer. I mean my grandma was a breast cancer survivor, JR died from cancer, Bobby had it too and...”

“I know honey but you don’t have cancer,” Mitch smiled, as he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

“Thank God!” Lucy smiled, before she gave him a big kiss. Suddenly she was feeling very much alive again. Her life had been so good in the last decade that she had thought for sure that it couldn’t last. She had been waiting for the other shoe to drop and for something to punch her in the gut. She had been so sure that cancer was the evil that was going to destroy their happy home and end her life prematurely. So to find out that she had been wrong and that all her worrying had been for nothing made her feel like she was all over the place emotionally. She was happy, relieved, stunned and most of all grateful. She knew now that it was better to get checked up and face whatever was coming head on, than to live her life in fear of something that might not even be true. At least now she knew. She didn’t have cancer and life was still good. In fact it was better than good, it was damn near perfect.

The IPO is when they sold stock on the market and that McKay kid bought it all only for Bobby and Sue Ellen to borrow the money from Carlos to buy him out after his “suicide.” While Rebecca’s kids would have give up part of their ownership in an IPO they certainly wouldn’t have just given away their entire investment. The idea is to make their investment worth more not take it away. The 3 would be entitled to a share or money and Bobby and Sue Ellen would loose the law suit because they’re in the wrong. They just couldn’t take what belonged to Cliff (now Pamela), Pam and Katherine (now Josephine) without compensation. The alternative would have been fair compensation which meant the three must have ended up with billion in cash and Ewing Global and/or Bobby and Sue Ellen heavily in debt.

I agree with you 100% regarding the Ewing legacy and John Ross but Ewing Global is not Jock’s company, it’s Herbert, Rebecca’s and Cliffs to which South Fork oil leases and Chris’s patent were added. If I was John Ross I’d play the long game. I’d let Bobby play with Chris at his patent and build up the company, then take it from him when I inherit my mother’s shares, to go along with my wife and sister’s shares - easily control of the company. In the mean time I’d do what Jock did and build up my own company in oil and gas - probably bitter about a father who lied to me and lost everything (in the end JR’s will not only left John Ross nothing but trinkets, it split JR’s share of the Southworth family’s oil with Sue Ellen and totally cut out all of JR’s other children).

If I were John Ross I’d also make Bobby a deal, give me the house to raise my family in and I’ll agree to give the land to a foundation to protect it, in turn creating the South Fork Cattle Company to rent the land from that foundation for a $1 a year and I’d agree to share that company with Bobby or sell him my half. If he doesn’t agree, I’d fight him in court, easily win more than 1/2 the land as Bobby would fight to keep the house and cattle as well, and then I’d develop my land into a subdivision or such to make money and diversify my business holdings.
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Karin Schill

Thank you to everyone for the feedback and ratings of my story. It's always appreciated. :)

@superman fan :hat:

@stevew thank you for explaining about the IPO. Obviously since I don't know what it was I haven't included it when I wrote my story. Still I am glad to see that it doesn't change the premise of my story, which is that Pam and Katherine's daughter are entitled to their shares in the company. Then as for Ewing Global. Let's not forget that Ewing Oil got swallowed up in Barnes Global since Cliff owned it at the end since the reunion movies never existed in the TNT universe. So Ewing Global does in fact also represents the Ewing legacy from Jock.

Also Bobby will never give up Southfork. It is his home.

Enough said and let's move on to tonight's update.


Christopher was at Ewing Global going over some of his latest research for a methanol project with Bobby and Sue Ellen. “Direct Methanol Fuel Cells is not only more efficient than other power sources. It’s also more versatile and easy to transport. Engines that run on DMFC are more quiet than gasoline engines and best of all...” Christopher never got a chance to finish the sentence before the door to Bobby’s office suddenly flung open and a delivery man walked in. “Who’s the CEO of this company?”

“I am,” Bobby looked up.

“Good then this is for you,” the delivery man said, as he handed Bobby a legal document and made him sign for it. “You’ve been sued by Pamela and Josephine Greco for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“What?” Bobby dropped his chin as he hadn’t expected this.

“No way!” Christopher exclaimed, as the delivery man made a hasty exit. “This can’t be!”

“But it is,” Sue Ellen said, after taking a look at the document. “It clearly states here that Pam and Josephine are suing us for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“Are you sure that my mom’s in on it?” Christopher asked.

“Yeah,” Sue Ellen said, showing Christopher the legal document.

“I don’t believe this,” Christopher said shaking his head in disbelief. “Mom warned me that John Ross and Pamela had convinced Josephine to sue for her share of Ewing Global. But she specifically told me she wouldn’t join her since she didn’t want to get in the middle of all this!”

“You knew about this?” Bobby looked questioningly at his son.

“Yeah,” Christopher nodded. “Mom told me the other day.”

“And you didn’t warn us?” Sue Ellen asked, crossing her arms. “I know my son is up to no good, as he’s been trying to weasel his way back into the company from the moment we took over. But since you inherited your mother’s shares in the company I never expected her to contest that!”

“Neither did I,” Christopher sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense...”

“It does to me,” Bobby sighed heavily. “Pam is obviously doing this to get back at me!”

“Get back at you for what?” Sue Ellen asked.

“Locking Cliff into jail,” Bobby said with a sigh.

“Oh that,” Sue Ellen grimaced.

“Yeah that,” Bobby made a face. “We had a big fight about it last week when I saw her and she made it pretty clear to me that she wouldn’t forgive me for it.”

“That’s a shame,” Sue Ellen said.

“Want me to talk to her?” Christopher asked. “To see if she changes her mind that is?”

“Sure you can give it a try,” Bobby said. “But I doubt that there’s any use. She seemed pretty determined when I talked to her.”

“Well I still think Christopher should give it a try,” Sue Ellen said. “Because if this gets to court it could get ugly.”

“Yeah son sorry to put you in the middle of all this but right now you’re the only thing standing in between us and a court case,” Bobby said.

“I know,” Christopher sighed. “I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks I know you will,” Bobby said, as he gave Christopher an appreciating slap in the back and faked a smile. But behind that smile he was hurting. He might not have seen Pam in over 25 years but he hadn’t expected her to have changed so much that she’d willingly pick up the Ewing-Barnes feud again.
Last edited by a moderator:

Karin Schill

Thank you @pd fan
Christopher will definitely have a talk with his mother and you will find out later how that goes. ;)

In the meantime however it's time to introduce a new character...


Emma had only spent a couple of days in Switzerland but she was feeling a bit better already. The beautiful mountains and ski slopes was about as far from the warm Mexican desert as she could get and she needed that right now. Anything that could take her mind off what had happened in Mexico was good. Unfortunately when she was all alone in the ski slopes the unwelcomed memories sometimes sneaked up on her and she still viewed the men she met with suspicion rather than her usual flirtatious self. In the old days she probably would have been hitting on the handsome stranger who was sitting next to her in the ski lift already. But now she gave him the silent treatment and showed no indication that she found him attractive. Instead she just kept looking straight ahead of her, ignoring him completely. That was until the ski lift suddenly stopped and Emma found herself trapped with the guy. Then she had no choice but to talk to him, as there was nobody else around that could calm her fears. “Why did we just stop?” Emma asked the man in a nervous tone of voice.

“I don’t know,” the guy replied.

“Think there’s a problem?” Emma asked.

“Nah,” the guy said looking at his watch. “My guess is that it’s only a temporary thing. Maybe someone’s had a hard time getting off the lift or something.”

“Let’s hope so,” Emma said. “I mean I don’t feel like getting stuck here with you all night.”

“Whoa, someone’s eager to get rid of me,” he said teasingly.

“No I didn’t mean it like that,” Emma hurried to smooth it over. “It’s just that it’s cold here at night and my grandma might worry if I don’t get back after the slopes are closed.”

“You’re here with your grandma?”

“Yeah,” Emma said. “Does that surprise you?”

“A little, I mean a young pretty girl like you,” he was flirting with her now. “I would have figured you for a party girl.”

“Who says I can’t be both?” Emma said coyly. “In fact I’ve got a party to go to next weekend with my friends and...”

“Alright so assume I’ll go to the party with you...”

“Who said I was looking for a date?”

“Nobody but you won’t regret it if you’ll bring me,” he winked at her and she noticed he had the most gorgeous sparkling blue eyes.

“Hey you’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“So it’s a date?” He winked at her.

“Don’t you think you ought to tell me your name before you try to ask me out on a date?”

“Oh I’m sorry, where’s my manners?” the guy smiled at her, as he reached out his hand for her. “I am Lucas Krebbs.”

“Emma Ryland,” Emma smiled at him as she took his hand and shook it. But she kept her mittens on and even so she couldn’t deny that there was something about the guy that made the butterflies start to roam around in her stomach. He was tall, had brown hair and a five o’clock beard. So he was definitely her type. But the last thing she was looking for was another vacation romance. Luckily for Emma he wasn’t either.

Karin Schill

Oh and in case anyone is wondering this is the actor I imagine in the Lucas role:


Zac Efron. He was born in 1987 just like Lucas.


Telly Talk Star
Reaction score
Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you to everyone for the feedback and ratings of my story. It's always appreciated. :)

@superman fan :hat:

@stevew thank you for explaining about the IPO. Obviously since I don't know what it was I haven't included it when I wrote my story. Still I am glad to see that it doesn't change the premise of my story, which is that Pam and Katherine's daughter are entitled to their shares in the company. Then as for Ewing Global. Let's not forget that Ewing Oil got swallowed up in Barnes Global since Cliff owned it at the end since the reunion movies never existed in the TNT universe. So Ewing Global does in fact also represents the Ewing legacy from Jock.

Also Bobby will never give up Southfork. It is his home.

Enough said and let's move on to tonight's update.


Christopher was at Ewing Global going over some of his latest research for a methanol project with Bobby and Sue Ellen. “Direct Methanol Fuel Cells is not only more efficient than other power sources. It’s also more versatile and easy to transport. Engines that run on DMFC are more quiet than gasoline engines and best of all...” Christopher never got a chance to finish the sentence before the door to Bobby’s office suddenly flung open and a delivery man walked in. “Who’s the CEO of this company?”

“I am,” Bobby looked up.

“Good then this is for you,” the delivery man said, as he handed Bobby a legal document and made him sign for it. “You’ve been sued by Pamela and Josephine Greco for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“What?” Bobby dropped his chin as he hadn’t expected this.

“No way!” Christopher exclaimed, as the delivery man made a hasty exit. “This can’t be!”

“But it is,” Sue Ellen said, after taking a look at the document. “It clearly states here that Pam and Josephine are suing us for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“Are you sure that my mom’s in on it?” Christopher asked.

“Yeah,” Sue Ellen said, showing Christopher the legal document.

“I don’t believe this,” Christopher said shaking his head in disbelief. “Mom warned me that John Ross and Pamela had convinced Josephine to sue for her share of Ewing Global. But she specifically told me she wouldn’t join her since she didn’t want to get in the middle of all this!”

“You knew about this?” Bobby looked questioningly at his son.

“Yeah,” Christopher nodded. “Mom told me the other day.”

“And you didn’t warn us?” Sue Ellen asked, crossing her arms. “I know my son is up to no good, as he’s been trying to weasel his way back into the company from the moment we took over. But since you inherited your mother’s shares in the company I never expected her to contest that!”

“Neither did I,” Christopher sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense...”

“It does to me,” Bobby sighed heavily. “Pam is obviously doing this to get back at me!”

“Get back at you for what?” Sue Ellen asked.

“Locking Cliff into jail,” Bobby said with a sigh.

“Oh that,” Sue Ellen grimaced.

“Yeah that,” Bobby made a face. “We had a big fight about it last week when I saw her and she made it pretty clear to me that she wouldn’t forgive me for it.”

“That’s a shame,” Sue Ellen said.

“Want me to talk to her?” Christopher asked. “To see if she changes her mind that is?”

“Sure you can give it a try,” Bobby said. “But I doubt that there’s any use. She seemed pretty determined when I talked to her.”

“Well I still think Christopher should give it a try,” Sue Ellen said. “Because if this gets to court it could get ugly.”

“Yeah son sorry to put you in the middle of all this but right now you’re the only thing standing in between us and a court case,” Bobby said.

“I know,” Christopher sighed. “I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks I know you will,” Bobby said, as he gave Christopher an appreciating slap in the back and faked a smile. But behind that smile he was hurting. He might not have seen Pam in over 25 years but he hadn’t expected her to have changed so much that she’d willingly pick up the Ewing-Barnes feud again.

True, as the movies were ignored a piece of Ewing Global is Ewing Oil. But also don’t forget Cliff, and thus his daughter Pamela, are also entitled to a share of Ewing Global, 1/3.

I would normally agree Bobby would not give up South Fork, but there are two things to consider. 1) when he thought he was dying he was quick to give it up, thinking he was protecting it - of course that was TNT’s version. And 2) he cannot protect it from John Ross as is, John Ross owns 1/2 and can do what he wants (within zoning laws) with his half. Bobby is smarter than Miss Ellie, at least the original Bobby, so he must know that 1) South Fork doesn’t work for John Ross to raise a family in if Bobby is there anymore than it did when he and JR attempted to share it with their children and wives and all, and 2) no matter what Bobby does he can’t protect the land after he’s gone without some serious compromises with John Ross.

I hope you don’t take these pieces as criticisms. Even TNT didn’t know what was going on with the IPO and the estate planning and it was their story lines. I am really enjoying your story - the more I can disagree with characters the more I enjoy it.
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Telly Talk Star
Reaction score
Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you to everyone for the feedback and ratings of my story. It's always appreciated. :)

@superman fan :hat:

@stevew thank you for explaining about the IPO. Obviously since I don't know what it was I haven't included it when I wrote my story. Still I am glad to see that it doesn't change the premise of my story, which is that Pam and Katherine's daughter are entitled to their shares in the company. Then as for Ewing Global. Let's not forget that Ewing Oil got swallowed up in Barnes Global since Cliff owned it at the end since the reunion movies never existed in the TNT universe. So Ewing Global does in fact also represents the Ewing legacy from Jock.

Also Bobby will never give up Southfork. It is his home.

Enough said and let's move on to tonight's update.


Christopher was at Ewing Global going over some of his latest research for a methanol project with Bobby and Sue Ellen. “Direct Methanol Fuel Cells is not only more efficient than other power sources. It’s also more versatile and easy to transport. Engines that run on DMFC are more quiet than gasoline engines and best of all...” Christopher never got a chance to finish the sentence before the door to Bobby’s office suddenly flung open and a delivery man walked in. “Who’s the CEO of this company?”

“I am,” Bobby looked up.

“Good then this is for you,” the delivery man said, as he handed Bobby a legal document and made him sign for it. “You’ve been sued by Pamela and Josephine Greco for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“What?” Bobby dropped his chin as he hadn’t expected this.

“No way!” Christopher exclaimed, as the delivery man made a hasty exit. “This can’t be!”

“But it is,” Sue Ellen said, after taking a look at the document. “It clearly states here that Pam and Josephine are suing us for 2/3 of Ewing Global.”

“Are you sure that my mom’s in on it?” Christopher asked.

“Yeah,” Sue Ellen said, showing Christopher the legal document.

“I don’t believe this,” Christopher said shaking his head in disbelief. “Mom warned me that John Ross and Pamela had convinced Josephine to sue for her share of Ewing Global. But she specifically told me she wouldn’t join her since she didn’t want to get in the middle of all this!”

“You knew about this?” Bobby looked questioningly at his son.

“Yeah,” Christopher nodded. “Mom told me the other day.”

“And you didn’t warn us?” Sue Ellen asked, crossing her arms. “I know my son is up to no good, as he’s been trying to weasel his way back into the company from the moment we took over. But since you inherited your mother’s shares in the company I never expected her to contest that!”

“Neither did I,” Christopher sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense...”

“It does to me,” Bobby sighed heavily. “Pam is obviously doing this to get back at me!”

“Get back at you for what?” Sue Ellen asked.

“Locking Cliff into jail,” Bobby said with a sigh.

“Oh that,” Sue Ellen grimaced.

“Yeah that,” Bobby made a face. “We had a big fight about it last week when I saw her and she made it pretty clear to me that she wouldn’t forgive me for it.”

“That’s a shame,” Sue Ellen said.

“Want me to talk to her?” Christopher asked. “To see if she changes her mind that is?”

“Sure you can give it a try,” Bobby said. “But I doubt that there’s any use. She seemed pretty determined when I talked to her.”

“Well I still think Christopher should give it a try,” Sue Ellen said. “Because if this gets to court it could get ugly.”

“Yeah son sorry to put you in the middle of all this but right now you’re the only thing standing in between us and a court case,” Bobby said.

“I know,” Christopher sighed. “I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks I know you will,” Bobby said, as he gave Christopher an appreciating slap in the back and faked a smile. But behind that smile he was hurting. He might not have seen Pam in over 25 years but he hadn’t expected her to have changed so much that she’d willingly pick up the Ewing-Barnes feud again.

I disagree with Bobby. This isn’t starting up the Barnes Ewing Feud on Pam’s side but his. He and Sue Ellen STOLE billions of dollars from Pam, Katherine and Cliff. Why would anyone think they’re entitled to take the whole company and not compensate the owners. When Cliff took Ewing Energies it was because they couldn’t pay their debt. When Bobby and Sue Ellen took Ewing Global, they just took it and cast out the original owners. Chris shouldn’t be upset with his mom but with his dad from stealing from his mom (and thus from him as well). I’m also a little perplexed at why blame goes to John Ross for “weaseling” his way into the company. Chris gets in but John Ross doesn’t, John Ross’s wife was robbed of billions but he should just allow it? You ask me, if he’s their enemy, they made him their enemy.
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Telly Talk Star
Reaction score
Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you @pd fan
Christopher will definitely have a talk with his mother and you will find out later how that goes. ;)

In the meantime however it's time to introduce a new character...


Emma had only spent a couple of days in Switzerland but she was feeling a bit better already. The beautiful mountains and ski slopes was about as far from the warm Mexican desert as she could get and she needed that right now. Anything that could take her mind off what had happened in Mexico was good. Unfortunately when she was all alone in the ski slopes the unwelcomed memories sometimes sneaked up on her and she still viewed the men she met with suspicion rather than her usual flirtatious self. In the old days she probably would have been hitting on the handsome stranger who was sitting next to her in the ski lift already. But now she gave him the silent treatment and showed no indication that she found him attractive. Instead she just kept looking straight ahead of her, ignoring him completely. That was until the ski lift suddenly stopped and Emma found herself trapped with the guy. Then she had no choice but to talk to him, as there was nobody else around that could calm her fears. “Why did we just stop?” Emma asked the man in a nervous tone of voice.

“I don’t know,” the guy replied.

“Think there’s a problem?” Emma asked.

“Nah,” the guy said looking at his watch. “My guess is that it’s only a temporary thing. Maybe someone’s had a hard time getting off the lift or something.”

“Let’s hope so,” Emma said. “I mean I don’t feel like getting stuck here with you all night.”

“Whoa, someone’s eager to get rid of me,” he said teasingly.

“No I didn’t mean it like that,” Emma hurried to smooth it over. “It’s just that it’s cold here at night and my grandma might worry if I don’t get back after the slopes are closed.”

“You’re here with your grandma?”

“Yeah,” Emma said. “Does that surprise you?”

“A little, I mean a young pretty girl like you,” he was flirting with her now. “I would have figured you for a party girl.”

“Who says I can’t be both?” Emma said coyly. “In fact I’ve got a party to go to next weekend with my friends and...”

“Alright so assume I’ll go to the party with you...”

“Who said I was looking for a date?”

“Nobody but you won’t regret it if you’ll bring me,” he winked at her and she noticed he had the most gorgeous sparkling blue eyes.

“Hey you’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“So it’s a date?” He winked at her.

“Don’t you think you ought to tell me your name before you try to ask me out on a date?”

“Oh I’m sorry, where’s my manners?” the guy smiled at her, as he reached out his hand for her. “I am Lucas Krebbs.”

“Emma Ryland,” Emma smiled at him as she took his hand and shook it. But she kept her mittens on and even so she couldn’t deny that there was something about the guy that made the butterflies start to roam around in her stomach. He was tall, had brown hair and a five o’clock beard. So he was definitely her type. But the last thing she was looking for was another vacation romance. Luckily for Emma he wasn’t either.

Love it!

Karin Schill

Thank you for the feedback @stevew :)

I am glad that you liked the actor I picked for Lucas. Don't worry I don't take your feedback as criticism. It's good with constructive feedback.
Maybe the reason I have forgotten about the IPO was because the storyline wasn't very well explored on Dallas TNT like you pointed out.
I'm glad to hear that you think Pam and Josephine are entitled to go after what is theirs.

Okay so let's move on to tonight's update.


Sue Ellen had been dreaming about JR more than usual lately. It was almost like if the old bastard was trying to convey a message to her in her sleep. So by now Sue Ellen had a feeling that there was something she had overlooked. But for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it was that JR was trying to tell her. That was until this morning when the shrill sound of a telephone woke her up from another dream about JR. She looked disoriented for a moment before it suddenly dawned on her. The conversation she’d had with JR when he’d left wasn’t the last time she’d spoke to him, as he had called her on the night before he left for Mexico from Abu Dhabi. But for some reason that final conversation had been blocked out of her mind until now.

Sue Ellen had been sitting by her desk at Ewing Global, catching up on some paper work when her cell phone rang. She looked at the display and when she saw the name JR written in large letters she felt excited. She hadn’t talked to him since he’d sent her their old love letters and she was eager to find out where he had kept them all these years.

So she picked up her mobile phone saying, “Hi JR!”

“Hello darling,” JR greeted her from the other end of the line.

“So I got the letters,” Sue Ellen smiled. “I’m surprised you’ve kept them all these years.”

“Well of course I’ve kept them,” JR smiled. “You know me, I always keep things that are really important to me.”

“Yeah I guess you do,” Sue Ellen said. “But I still was surprised when the letters arrived.”

“Happily surprised I hope?”

“Of course and you even wrote me a new letter too...”

“Yeah about that, I was actually calling to see what your answer is to my question,” JR said coyly.

“What question?” Sue Ellen asked, as she for a moment wondered if he was going to propose to her again. But he didn’t. Instead he just clarified.

“The one that I asked you in the letter.”

“Oh the letter,” Sue Ellen said, as she pulled out a drawer and looked at the new unopened letter. She was really curious to find out what was in there. But she tried to play it cool. “I haven’t opened it yet.”

JR sighed before he said impatiently, “Then why don’t you so I can have an answer to my question?”

Sue Ellen picked up the letter, now she was even more curious to find out what was in it. But before she got a chance to open it Gary popped into the room saying, “So are you ready to go to the car race?”

Sue Ellen sighed before she put the letter in her purse and smiled at Gary, “Of course just give me a minute. I’ve got your brother on the phone.”

“Bobby’s there?”JR asked.

“No Gary,” Sue Ellen said.

“Gary!” JR spat out. “You know I don’t like...”

“Don’t get jealous JR,” Sue Ellen said. “We are not married anymore.”

“I know,” JR sighed. “So about the letter...”

“Oh for God’s sake I’ll read it later and get back to you okay?” Sue Ellen said in an annoyed tone of voice.

“So I guess the answer is no then?” JR said in a tired tone of voice.

“I’m sorry JR but I really must go now,” Sue Ellen said. “We’ll talk more later, okay?”

“Okay you take care now, you hear?”JR said.

“You too, bye JR!”

“Goodbye my darling,” JR said in a voice that sounded unusually sentimental. If she didn’t know better she’d almost think he was crying. But that was so unlike JR that it wasn’t even a possibility. Sue Ellen then hung up the phone, not knowing that she’d just blown her last chance with JR. She would never see or hear from him again and the grief she’d soon be facing would be so intense and filled with so many regrets for what could have been that it would push her off the wagon after 26 years of sobriety.

The tears rolled down Sue Ellen’s cheeks once more, as she finally realized that JR’s letter hadn’t been all lies. JR had wanted another chance with her so if only she had read his letter when he had called she could have told him that yes she wanted to have dinner with him. She now found herself wondering if JR still would have killed himself if she had given him another chance or if he’d hanged on and let her nurse him until the end. If his conversation was anything to go on he would have stopped by Dallas before leaving for Mexico if only she had asked him to. They would have had their dinner and started all over again. But since she hadn’t read the letter until after his death she had been robbed out of that chance. So as she was thinking it over she suddenly had an epiphany. JR hadn’t lied to her this time. His letter had been sincere and he had really wanted them to start over and they would have if only she had said yes. It still hurt that JR had chosen to end his life alone rather than letting her be there for him. But at least now she knew that he had been sincere in his letter and that meant the world to her.



Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you for the feedback @stevew :)

I am glad that you liked the actor I picked for Lucas. Don't worry I don't take your feedback as criticism. It's good with constructive feedback.
Maybe the reason I have forgotten about the IPO was because the storyline wasn't very well explored on Dallas TNT like you pointed out.
I'm glad to hear that you think Pam and Josephine are entitled to go after what is theirs.

Okay so let's move on to tonight's update.


Sue Ellen had been dreaming about JR more than usual lately. It was almost like if the old bastard was trying to convey a message to her in her sleep. So by now Sue Ellen had a feeling that there was something she had overlooked. But for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it was that JR was trying to tell her. That was until this morning when the shrill sound of a telephone woke her up from another dream about JR. She looked disoriented for a moment before it suddenly dawned on her. The conversation she’d had with JR when he’d left wasn’t the last time she’d spoke to him, as he had called her on the night before he left for Mexico from Abu Dhabi. But for some reason that final conversation had been blocked out of her mind until now.

Sue Ellen had been sitting by her desk at Ewing Global, catching up on some paper work when her cell phone rang. She looked at the display and when she saw the name JR written in large letters she felt excited. She hadn’t talked to him since he’d sent her their old love letters and she was eager to find out where he had kept them all these years.

So she picked up her mobile phone saying, “Hi JR!”

“Hello darling,” JR greeted her from the other end of the line.

“So I got the letters,” Sue Ellen smiled. “I’m surprised you’ve kept them all these years.”

“Well of course I’ve kept them,” JR smiled. “You know me, I always keep things that are really important to me.”

“Yeah I guess you do,” Sue Ellen said. “But I still was surprised when the letters arrived.”

“Happily surprised I hope?”

“Of course and you even wrote me a new letter too...”

“Yeah about that, I was actually calling to see what your answer is to my question,” JR said coyly.

“What question?” Sue Ellen asked, as she for a moment wondered if he was going to propose to her again. But he didn’t. Instead he just clarified.

“The one that I asked you in the letter.”

“Oh the letter,” Sue Ellen said, as she pulled out a drawer and looked at the new unopened letter. She was really curious to find out what was in there. But she tried to play it cool. “I haven’t opened it yet.”

JR sighed before he said impatiently, “Then why don’t you so I can have an answer to my question?”

Sue Ellen picked up the letter, now she was even more curious to find out what was in it. But before she got a chance to open it Gary popped into the room saying, “So are you ready to go to the car race?”

Sue Ellen sighed before she put the letter in her purse and smiled at Gary, “Of course just give me a minute. I’ve got your brother on the phone.”

“Bobby’s there?”JR asked.

“No Gary,” Sue Ellen said.

“Gary!” JR spat out. “You know I don’t like...”

“Don’t get jealous JR,” Sue Ellen said. “We are not married anymore.”

“I know,” JR sighed. “So about the letter...”

“Oh for God’s sake I’ll read it later and get back to you okay?” Sue Ellen said in an annoyed tone of voice.

“So I guess the answer is no then?” JR said in a tired tone of voice.

“I’m sorry JR but I really must go now,” Sue Ellen said. “We’ll talk more later, okay?”

“Okay you take care now, you hear?”JR said.

“You too, bye JR!”

“Goodbye my darling,” JR said in a voice that sounded unusually sentimental. If she didn’t know better she’d almost think he was crying. But that was so unlike JR that it wasn’t even a possibility. Sue Ellen then hung up the phone, not knowing that she’d just blown her last chance with JR. She would never see or hear from him again and the grief she’d soon be facing would be so intense and filled with so many regrets for what could have been that it would push her off the wagon after 26 years of sobriety.

The tears rolled down Sue Ellen’s cheeks once more, as she finally realized that JR’s letter hadn’t been all lies. JR had wanted another chance with her so if only she had read his letter when he had called she could have told him that yes she wanted to have dinner with him. She now found herself wondering if JR still would have killed himself if she had given him another chance or if he’d hanged on and let her nurse him until the end. If his conversation was anything to go on he would have stopped by Dallas before leaving for Mexico if only she had asked him to. They would have had their dinner and started all over again. But since she hadn’t read the letter until after his death she had been robbed out of that chance. So as she was thinking it over she suddenly had an epiphany. JR hadn’t lied to her this time. His letter had been sincere and he had really wanted them to start over and they would have if only she had said yes. It still hurt that JR had chosen to end his life alone rather than letting her be there for him. But at least now she knew that he had been sincere in his letter and that meant the world to her.

The IPO wasn’t very clear of who owned what. I would assume the original 3, Chris, Pamela and Cliff kept at least 10% each and Bobby and Sue Ellen each bought 35%, heavy in debt. But your assumption that they bought 50% each, even more in debt, could be valid (but would require the original 3 to be paid something of the money he raised. I could see Pamela let her son keep that money. And I could see Pamela turn that money over to Josephine, especially as she’d get Cliff’s share). They had better be careful to not just follow Chris’s long term idea, but make some money quick or they’ll default on their loan. Carlos seems the type he’d step up and take the company as soon as he can instead of let someone play around with his money. Are you planning to mention Carlos? I though he was a great character she could have developed better. Are you planning to mention Pamela’s inheritance from Cliff?

Oh not only entitled, I toss in Cliff’s estate and the case being a slam dunk. In fact if the 3 were not compensated Bobby and Sue Ellen could be looking at serious jail time. What they would have done is steal the company in a massive heist and then use South Forks oil to pay their debt. Miss Ellie would be rolling in her grave and they would have pulled off a dirty deal only JR could have dreamed of.

Also, there could be a case for John Ross to argue that Miss Ellie’s trust (which must have been the arrangement to protect it from estate taxes and leave 1/2 to John Ross after JR’s death) included the mineral rights. There’s no reason to believe it didn’t. And if it didn’t John Ross is entitled to 1/2 not 1/6. And here’s the kicker, he doesn’t have to lease it to Ewing Global. He could lease it to his own company. Plus he force Bobby to split the land instead of sharing it together. Plus he could take half the cattle business for himself and use the South Fork name. Then the war over the house could get nasty. He could do all sorts of things to make Bobby unhappy in the house. He is entitled to 1/2 and Bobby acting otherwise is again stealing, this fund from his nephew and mother.

Honestly the new JR in TNT’s story was Bobby.


Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you for the feedback @stevew :)

I am glad that you liked the actor I picked for Lucas. Don't worry I don't take your feedback as criticism. It's good with constructive feedback.
Maybe the reason I have forgotten about the IPO was because the storyline wasn't very well explored on Dallas TNT like you pointed out.
I'm glad to hear that you think Pam and Josephine are entitled to go after what is theirs.

Okay so let's move on to tonight's update.


Sue Ellen had been dreaming about JR more than usual lately. It was almost like if the old bastard was trying to convey a message to her in her sleep. So by now Sue Ellen had a feeling that there was something she had overlooked. But for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it was that JR was trying to tell her. That was until this morning when the shrill sound of a telephone woke her up from another dream about JR. She looked disoriented for a moment before it suddenly dawned on her. The conversation she’d had with JR when he’d left wasn’t the last time she’d spoke to him, as he had called her on the night before he left for Mexico from Abu Dhabi. But for some reason that final conversation had been blocked out of her mind until now.

Sue Ellen had been sitting by her desk at Ewing Global, catching up on some paper work when her cell phone rang. She looked at the display and when she saw the name JR written in large letters she felt excited. She hadn’t talked to him since he’d sent her their old love letters and she was eager to find out where he had kept them all these years.

So she picked up her mobile phone saying, “Hi JR!”

“Hello darling,” JR greeted her from the other end of the line.

“So I got the letters,” Sue Ellen smiled. “I’m surprised you’ve kept them all these years.”

“Well of course I’ve kept them,” JR smiled. “You know me, I always keep things that are really important to me.”

“Yeah I guess you do,” Sue Ellen said. “But I still was surprised when the letters arrived.”

“Happily surprised I hope?”

“Of course and you even wrote me a new letter too...”

“Yeah about that, I was actually calling to see what your answer is to my question,” JR said coyly.

“What question?” Sue Ellen asked, as she for a moment wondered if he was going to propose to her again. But he didn’t. Instead he just clarified.

“The one that I asked you in the letter.”

“Oh the letter,” Sue Ellen said, as she pulled out a drawer and looked at the new unopened letter. She was really curious to find out what was in there. But she tried to play it cool. “I haven’t opened it yet.”

JR sighed before he said impatiently, “Then why don’t you so I can have an answer to my question?”

Sue Ellen picked up the letter, now she was even more curious to find out what was in it. But before she got a chance to open it Gary popped into the room saying, “So are you ready to go to the car race?”

Sue Ellen sighed before she put the letter in her purse and smiled at Gary, “Of course just give me a minute. I’ve got your brother on the phone.”

“Bobby’s there?”JR asked.

“No Gary,” Sue Ellen said.

“Gary!” JR spat out. “You know I don’t like...”

“Don’t get jealous JR,” Sue Ellen said. “We are not married anymore.”

“I know,” JR sighed. “So about the letter...”

“Oh for God’s sake I’ll read it later and get back to you okay?” Sue Ellen said in an annoyed tone of voice.

“So I guess the answer is no then?” JR said in a tired tone of voice.

“I’m sorry JR but I really must go now,” Sue Ellen said. “We’ll talk more later, okay?”

“Okay you take care now, you hear?”JR said.

“You too, bye JR!”

“Goodbye my darling,” JR said in a voice that sounded unusually sentimental. If she didn’t know better she’d almost think he was crying. But that was so unlike JR that it wasn’t even a possibility. Sue Ellen then hung up the phone, not knowing that she’d just blown her last chance with JR. She would never see or hear from him again and the grief she’d soon be facing would be so intense and filled with so many regrets for what could have been that it would push her off the wagon after 26 years of sobriety.

The tears rolled down Sue Ellen’s cheeks once more, as she finally realized that JR’s letter hadn’t been all lies. JR had wanted another chance with her so if only she had read his letter when he had called she could have told him that yes she wanted to have dinner with him. She now found herself wondering if JR still would have killed himself if she had given him another chance or if he’d hanged on and let her nurse him until the end. If his conversation was anything to go on he would have stopped by Dallas before leaving for Mexico if only she had asked him to. They would have had their dinner and started all over again. But since she hadn’t read the letter until after his death she had been robbed out of that chance. So as she was thinking it over she suddenly had an epiphany. JR hadn’t lied to her this time. His letter had been sincere and he had really wanted them to start over and they would have if only she had said yes. It still hurt that JR had chosen to end his life alone rather than letting her be there for him. But at least now she knew that he had been sincere in his letter and that meant the world to her.



Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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I usually don't read TNT based fics, but this one is VERY good. I read it ALL today. Couldn't stop.

That last installment had me in tears. I LOVE it.

Karin Schill

Thank you everyone for the feedback. I appreciate that you took the time to tell me what you think of my story. :)
I'm sorry the last update made you cry. But I think it says more about how invested we are in JR/SE's story than about my writing skills. I remember the first time I saw the episode when Sue Ellen was about to find out JR was cheating on her again with Holly Harwood. I didn't want her to find out since I didn't want JR/SE's marriage to be ruined. So I was literally screaming at the TV and jumping up and down, since I found that so suspenseful!
I saw it in reruns so I was 14 at the time...

@stevew I'm glad that the IPO didn't make it that clear who owned the company since then my idea of that Bobby and Sue Ellen owns 50/50 still works. But I agree with you that they should have compensated John Ross, Christopher and Pamela Rebecca for their shares of the company. I seem to remember that Cliff still owned a part since he had given Elena a proxy to vote for him from jail.

No I'm sorry but I don't think there will be any mentioning of Carlos in this story. I had forgotten about the detail that they had loaned money from him when I wrote this. :embarrassed:
He was an okay character I agree. But the focus of this story is elsewhere. I'm glad that you found the latest update beautiful. Actually no I don't mind if you borrow the general idea for a story. I think sometimes we do get inspired by each other as fanfic writers. I know that I borrowed the idea of that JR/SE spent one final night together after she invited him in for tea from one of @Crazy For Sue Ellen stories. :)

@CeeCee72 thank you so much. I take that as a compliment coming from you since I really love your "What If" story. :hat:
I'm glad that you've made an exception for my TNT story and I'm impressed that you read it all in one go. I didn't realize it was that compelling. :)

Okay so in tonight's update Christopher will talk to Pam...


The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. Pam sighed, as she put the coffee cup down since she could sense that this was not just a social call. She then turned to look at her son, “Why don’t you tell me what’s really on your mind?”

“Alright, I want you to drop the lawsuit against my father,” Christopher laid the cards on the table.

Pam bit her lip, since surely here it came, the confrontation she had been dreading, “I’m sorry Christopher but I can’t do that!”

“Why not?” Christopher asked. “I thought you didn’t want to get in the middle of all that?”

“I did but that was before...”

“Before what?”

Pam sighed, “Before I found out that your father was behind framing your uncle Cliff for JR’s murder," Pam's facial expression hardened, as she was determined. "I can never forgive him for what he has done.”

Christopher gave her a pleading look, “Not even if I ask you to?”

“Christopher please...”

“No mom, I want my baby’s grandparents to be getting along because if you don’t I can’t invite you to family functions. Do you really want to miss out on your grandchild’s baptizing?”

“You really would do that?” Pam asked, her bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. “After everything I’ve been through you still want to exclude me?”

“I don’t want to,” Christopher sighed heavily since this was very difficult for him. “But you are putting me in an impossible position here. I mean dad raised me single handedly so naturally I am closer to him and...”

“I see,” Pam said sadly.

“I’m sorry mom,” Christopher said. “I don’t want to get stuck in the middle of you and dad either but unless you forgive him I really can’t have you at my baby’s baptizing.”

“So unless I’ll forgive Bobby I’m losing my son again?” Pam asked with tears in her eyes.

“No,” Christopher shook his head. “You won’t lose me. I promise I’ll still be in your life and I’ll bring by the baby to meet you. But you’ll have to miss out on the family stuff and it sucks since I want you to be there,” Christopher admitted. “So please mom I’m begging you to drop this lawsuit and forgive my father so that we can be a family again,” Christopher said seriously and seeing the pleading look in her son’s brown eyes Pam sighed heavily since she knew that he was right. She had missed too many years of her son’s life so she really didn’t want to miss any of the important milestones with her grandchild. Yet at the same time she hated Bobby for what he’d done to Cliff and she resented him for giving up on them after she had been kidnapped. So she just didn’t know if she could find it in her heart to forgive him.


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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@Karin Schill Yes, it's very compelling.

I am so glad to see you dealing with the conflict Christopher must feel over what the Ewings did to Cliff. I always wondered what went on inside his mind.


Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Thank you everyone for the feedback. I appreciate that you took the time to tell me what you think of my story. :)
I'm sorry the last update made you cry. But I think it says more about how invested we are in JR/SE's story than about my writing skills. I remember the first time I saw the episode when Sue Ellen was about to find out JR was cheating on her again with Holly Harwood. I didn't want her to find out since I didn't want JR/SE's marriage to be ruined. So I was literally screaming at the TV and jumping up and down, since I found that so suspenseful!
I saw it in reruns so I was 14 at the time...

@stevew I'm glad that the IPO didn't make it that clear who owned the company since then my idea of that Bobby and Sue Ellen owns 50/50 still works. But I agree with you that they should have compensated John Ross, Christopher and Pamela Rebecca for their shares of the company. I seem to remember that Cliff still owned a part since he had given Elena a proxy to vote for him from jail.

No I'm sorry but I don't think there will be any mentioning of Carlos in this story. I had forgotten about the detail that they had loaned money from him when I wrote this. :embarrassed:
He was an okay character I agree. But the focus of this story is elsewhere. I'm glad that you found the latest update beautiful. Actually no I don't mind if you borrow the general idea for a story. I think sometimes we do get inspired by each other as fanfic writers. I know that I borrowed the idea of that JR/SE spent one final night together after she invited him in for tea from one of @Crazy For Sue Ellen stories. :)

@CeeCee72 thank you so much. I take that as a compliment coming from you since I really love your "What If" story. :hat:
I'm glad that you've made an exception for my TNT story and I'm impressed that you read it all in one go. I didn't realize it was that compelling. :)

Okay so in tonight's update Christopher will talk to Pam...


The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. Pam sighed, as she put the coffee cup down since she could sense that this was not just a social call. She then turned to look at her son, “Why don’t you tell me what’s really on your mind?”

“Alright, I want you to drop the lawsuit against my father,” Christopher laid the cards on the table.

Pam bit her lip, since surely here it came, the confrontation she had been dreading, “I’m sorry Christopher but I can’t do that!”

“Why not?” Christopher asked. “I thought you didn’t want to get in the middle of all that?”

“I did but that was before...”

“Before what?”

Pam sighed, “Before I found out that your father was behind framing your uncle Cliff for JR’s murder," Pam's facial expression hardened, as she was determined. "I can never forgive him for what he has done.”

Christopher gave her a pleading look, “Not even if I ask you to?”

“Christopher please...”

“No mom, I want my baby’s grandparents to be getting along because if you don’t I can’t invite you to family functions. Do you really want to miss out on your grandchild’s baptizing?”

“You really would do that?” Pam asked, her bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. “After everything I’ve been through you still want to exclude me?”

“I don’t want to,” Christopher sighed heavily since this was very difficult for him. “But you are putting me in an impossible position here. I mean dad raised me single handedly so naturally I am closer to him and...”

“I see,” Pam said sadly.

“I’m sorry mom,” Christopher said. “I don’t want to get stuck in the middle of you and dad either but unless you forgive him I really can’t have you at my baby’s baptizing.”

“So unless I’ll forgive Bobby I’m losing my son again?” Pam asked with tears in her eyes.

“No,” Christopher shook his head. “You won’t lose me. I promise I’ll still be in your life and I’ll bring by the baby to meet you. But you’ll have to miss out on the family stuff and it sucks since I want you to be there,” Christopher admitted. “So please mom I’m begging you to drop this lawsuit and forgive my father so that we can be a family again,” Christopher said seriously and seeing the pleading look in her son’s brown eyes Pam sighed heavily since she knew that he was right. She had missed too many years of her son’s life so she really didn’t want to miss any of the important milestones with her grandchild. Yet at the same time she hated Bobby for what he’d done to Cliff and she resented him for giving up on them after she had been kidnapped. So she just didn’t know if she could find it in her heart to forgive him.

Forgive and let him steal billions from you and the girl you’ve raised as a daughter and the only child of the brother you just lost. “I get it, your father raised you. But do you understand what a poor job he did? You stand here telling me I miss out on the baptism of what might only possibly be my grandchild because I won’t let him and your aunt steal from me, my sister and my brother every thing our mother left us. I know what it’s like to have a mother who wasn’t there for me. I don’t know what it’s like to giver her ultimatums. I wish you the best Christopher, really I do. I only wish you cared as much about me and rest of your family as you do yourself. Now please leave my brother’s house. Ewing’s were never welcomed here.” - just what comes to mind for Pamela to respond to that horrid little brat. That’s a good story when it gets me worked up like that.
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Telly Talk Star
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Member Since
Jan 2012
Sorry I keep getting double posts when I post.
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