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Dallas News Meet the Dallas cast on the last weekend of September


Karin Schill

Hi Everyone,

Now here's another chance to interact with the Dallas cast.

Linda, Patrick and Charlene will be in Los Angeles at an event called Nostalgia Con on September 28th and 29th:


They are signing autographs and doing some sort of panel. :)

Meanwhile Priscilla is hosting something called Elegant Southern Style weekend at Graceland on September 27th to September 29th:


If you get the VIP package you'll get to attend a couple of events that Priscilla is at and also get your own photo with her at the end of the weekend.

Just thought that all of their fans wanted to know. :)

Take care,
Best wishes:

Karin Schill

Hi again,

I didn't attend any of this weekend's events. But I saw Dallas Fanzine @garry shared some photos from Nostalgia con on twitter that I thought I'd repost here:


NostalgiaConWith Fans.jpg

I have no idea of who the people in the photo with Linda, Patrick and Charlene are.

Also is it just me or does it look like Patrick has had a hair cut? :D