What I used to like about the old Top Posters of the Month list was that you knew who was actually here.
I understand what you mean about it being a gauge. The good thing, though, is it isn't the only way of seeing who is here.
Above the TPOTM board on the home page are the Members Online and Latest Posts boxes, both of which show recent activity from members. Likewise, next to each forum on the home page is that forum's latest post and the name of the member who made it. All of these combined give a good idea of which members are active on the site.
I guess I must have been top poster one month this year because I'm not in the list now - didn't even notice.
You were indeed, CeeCee.
Here are 2024's top posters so far:
January - Barbara Fan
February - Snarky Oracle
March - James from London
April - Willie Oleson
May - Jock Ewing Fan
June - CeeCee72
July - Frank Underwood
I kinda like the one time per year rule though. There are those (like me) who are in here so much and reply to so many threads (sometimes with just comic type comments that don't add to the discussion) that without that limitation it would always be the same seven or eight of us in contention. Someone else seeing their name on that list might actually be encouraged to participate more.
Thanks. I'm glad you can see why we ended up running it this way.
Accurate as it may have been, running it without any limitations got pretty repetitive as it was mostly the same members in much the same order each and every month.
Seems a bit like holding a race but disqualifying the fastest participants, but file that under mild curiosity rather than objection.
Think of it as a relay race where the baton is passed. Or a virtual beauty pageant. It's run as a kind of knockout but in reverse, so that the winner of each month steps aside.
Yes, please exclude me. I'm always slightly displeased to see myself on the list.
That's absolutely fine. I've taken your name off the list.