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What If


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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I had to sign up to tell you I love this story and your writing CeeCee72. I just recently started watching Dallas again and was sick over the weekend, but reading this made me feel better. :) So thanks for that. I'm looking foward to the wedding lol.

Thank you so much. Glad you like it and glad it helped you feel better ♥️


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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I don't own any of the characters in this story and no copyright infringement is intended.

This is a "What if?" fanfic. What if in the season eleven episode "Top Gun" Sue Ellen had changed her mind at the last possible moment and instead of teaming up with Kimberly and Wendell to beat JR she voted her Weststar shares to make him CEO?


What If

Part 56


"Get a move on Miss Texas!" JR called into the bathroom. "I want to get out of here and to the office before Lucy gets back from the airport with Gary and Valene…" he stopped in mid sentence when she came out of the bathroom and he saw the look on her face. "What's wrong?'

"Valene hates me," she said shakily. "With good reason. I don't think I can face her."

JR sighed and turned away from her. He had desperately hoped to avoid any drama with her this morning, but it looked like he wasn't going to get his wish. "Yes, it might be a little uncomfortable at first. I was going to leave before they got here - give them a chance to get comfortable before they have to deal with me. But if it will help you get through it, I'll stay honey."

"You.. you'd do that for me?" she asked with wide eyes.

JR laughed and shook his head. "You know I would, Miss Texas."

"Yes," she agreed. "I just wanted to make you say it."

JR growled and pulled her into his arms. "Are you trying to irritate me, woman?"

"No," she smiled. "I just feel a little.."

"Needy?" he finished for her.

She nodded her head and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "But I'll be alright. You're right - it will be best for everyone if you're gone when they get here."

"I think so," he said softly. "But if you need me, you call me at the office honey and I'll come straight home, okay?"

"Okay, JR," she said. "I love you."

"I know," he bent his head to kiss her. "I love you too."


"Miss Ellie is pretty excited," Ray said, sitting down across from Bobby and pouring himself some coffee.

"Yes," Bobby smiled. "She is so happy that Gary is coming home."

"Is the meeting with Barnes all set?"

"Yes. I talked to him this morning. He'll be at the office by 10:00."

"You talked to Cliff this morning?" Jack asked. "Track him down over at April's?"

"How did you know that?" Bobby asked suspiciously.

"I had dinner with them last night," Jack told him.

Bobby gave him a strange look but didn't comment.

"Morning all," JR said, sitting down and grabbing some coffee. "Bob, I'm going in early. Gonna call Harv and make sure there aren't any unforeseen legal issues that could put a kink in our plans."

"That's a good idea, JR," Bobby said. "Your office is already set up and waiting for you."

"Great," JR said, gulping down a muffin. "I'll see you at the office later."

"He sure seems like he's in a hurry," Ray observed.

"I imagine he wants to get out of here before the prodigal son returns." Clayton mused.

"Big day around here," Bobby shrugged. "JR has the right idea. No reason to tempt fate and start the day out on a bad note."

"Amen to that," Clayton nodded, drinking from his orange juice. "Amen to that."


"Are you going to see Lucy today?" Afton asked.

"I don't know," Mitch told her, putting down his newspaper. "Her parents are coming in from California this morning. She probably will want to spend the day with them."

"I was going to take Pammy out for some sight seeing later if you want to join us."

"Maybe," Mitch said again. "Afton, what do you plan to do about Cliff?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "You said he doesn't want to see me."

"That's because he doesn't know you're here," Mitch said. "If you leave Dallas without talking to him, you'll regret it and you know it."

"What if I go see him and he rejects me?" Afton wondered. "What if he rejects us both? I don't think I could stand that. Mitch...I've been clean for two years. What if…"

"Afton, you made the decision to leave him. You made the decision to keep his child from him. Every time you shot that junk into your body, you made that decision too. If you do it again, I won't let you blame Cliff Barnes or any of your sugar daddies. Your sobriety is your responsibility. And I already told you, if you ever do it again, I will take Pammy - for good this time - and throw you out of both of our lives. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Mitch. I understand," she said tearfully. "I understand completely."


"It just occurred to me," Cliff said, straightening his tie, "if you and Jack start dating again I'll probably have to move all my stuff out of your spare room."

"First of all," April snapped, "Jack and I will NEVER date again. Secondly, any man who wants to date me will have to accept that my best friend is a guy and sometimes he sleeps over in my guest room. You stay, Cliff - and so does your stuff."

"Your best friend," Cliff repeated. "You know, I've never been anyone's best friend before. Glad it turned out to be you."

"Me too, Cliff," April smiled. "What did Bobby want? Must have been important for him to call you so early over here."

"He asked me to stop by Ewing Oil around 10:00. Said it had something to do with Barnes/Wentworth. Probably wants to go in on a deal together."

"Did you ever think Ewing Oil and Barnes/Wentworth would be teaming up to do anything together?"

"Nope," Cliff chuckled. "But things change. And so do people, April. You might want to remember that before you write Jack off for good."

"Sure, Cliff," she folded her arms across her chest defiantly, "just as soon as you take that into account with Afton and your daughter."

"Touche," Cliff laughed. "I gotta go. Call me later?"

"Of course," April said, kissing his cheek.."Dinner tonight?"

"You're on," he said, winking at her and walking to the door.

April watched him leave and shook her head sadly. They spent almost all their free time together. It was really a shame there wasn't any chemistry between them. She'd come to understand that Cliff Barnes was the one man in her entire life she could truly count on.


"I just can't believe you're here!" Ellie said again. "I am so incredibly happy!"

"Me too, Mama," Gary hugged her again. "It's so good to be home."

"How long are you staying?" Bobby asked.

"Until Wednesday," Valene told him. "We want to take a few days after all the wedding excitement dies down to spend with Lucy and Miss Ellie."

"Oh, I am so glad to hear that," Miss Ellie gushed "Please, let's all sit down! We have so much to catch up on!"


"Any idea where you're headed?" JR asked Kimberly. They'd just completed the sale of her Weststar stock and he was anxious to know when she'd be leaving town.

"New York for a while," she told him. "Then maybe somewhere in Europe. Don't worry, I know if I come back to Dallas my deal goes away."

"Yes," JR agreed. "And I will have you thrown in jail."

"I couldn't ever show my face in Texas again anyway," she said. "Not after all the stories in the paper about Jeremy today."

"Were you sleeping with him?" JR asked her bluntly.

"Yes," she admitted in a small voice.

"Better get tested," he advised.

"Yes," she said again. "JR, I want you to know I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

"Tell that to the families of the three men who died in the explosion. Or to Crystal Baker. Or to my wife. You knew Wendell was hurting people and you did nothing to stop him. At least Wendell is insane. What's your excuse?"

"I don't have one."

"That's right, you don't," he said flatly. "Have a nice life, Kimberly. Just make sure you stay far away from me and my family. I won't let you walk away unscathed twice."


"Grandma is practically floating on air," Lucy told her mom. "You and Daddy have made her so happy."

"It's really good for your father to be home and not have to worry about being ambushed by drama," Valene said. "Speaking of drama, I notice the bride hasn't made an appearance."

"Be nice, Mama," Lucy sighed. "I told you Sue Ellen has been through an awful lot and she's a little fragile. She knows how you feel about her. She's probably having to work up the nerve to face you."

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I don't mean to be bitchy. If everything you have told me about Sue Ellen lately is true, it sounds like she has turned into a wonderful woman. I'll try. I promise."

"With JR too?" Lucy pressed. "For me?"

"That's going to take a little more time," Valene told her. "But for you - I'll do the best I can."


"They're a fine bunch of horses, Clayton," Gary said. "You and Ray really have something great going here."

"Yes. I hope I can keep it going when Ray moves to Switzerland," Clayton sighed. "I hope Jack will agree to stick around and help me."

"To be honest, I'm surprised JR didn't run him clean out of Texas over that Sue Ellen spying stuff."

"We all expected him to try," Clayton laughed. "Your mama thought she was going to have a real fight on her hands over it. But JR never said a word."

"Lucy really thinks JR has changed," Gary said. "Do you?"

"Hard as it is to believe, yes I do. I'm not naive enough to think he wouldn't turn back to his old ways in a heartbeat if it suited him. I just don't think it suits him."

"What do you mean?"

"JR spent his whole life living in the shadow of a very big man. Your daddy was rough on all you boys, but he was roughest on JR. And he didn't have Ellie's love and shelter in the same way you and Bobby did. I know Jock meant well, but he created the monster that was JR."

"What's changed though?" Gary asked.

"Somewhere along the line, the shadow shrunk," Clayton shrugged. "I actually think it started when Pam disappeared. I don't know if it was guilt or love for Christopher, but he started softening a little. Then Sue Ellen kicked him off Southfork. He knew he was losing her. Then all the trouble with Jessica. JR just started worrying about what the living thought of him. His family became more important than the respect of a dead man."

"And you think that'll stick?"

"I do," Clayton said. "He's rearranged his whole life for the good of this family. Don't get me wrong, Gary, I still wouldn't cross him and expect to come out smelling like a rose, but I think he loves his family. He's especially fond of Lucy, you know. He'd face a pack of rabid wolves for that girl."

"I hope you're right, Clayton, because she's getting very fond of him too. And Sue Ellen? You'd think she could walk on water the way Lucy has been talking about her lately."

"Sue Ellen and Lucy have gotten very close," Clayton agreed. "It's good for both of them."

"I just don't want her to get hurt, Clayton."

"I know, but like I said, I don't think you have anything to worry about. In fact, I bet if Lucy ever does get hurt again, it'll be JR and Sue Ellen first in line to set things right."


"Am I interrupting?"

"Of course not, Sue Ellen," Lucy smiled. "Come sit with us!"

"Hello, Valene," Sue Ellen smiled at the other woman. "It's wonderful to see you again."

"You too, Sue Ellen. And if I may say so, Lucy is right, you look so lovely! You're positively glowing."

"Thank you," Sue Ellen blushed. "I guess my new happiness shows."

"Yes it does," Valene agreed.

"Where is everyone?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Ray and Bobby went to Ewing Oil," Lucy told her. "Daddy and Clayton went over to Ray's to see the horses and Mama went with them so she could visit with Jenna and Lucas. The boys are out by the pool with your mom and Jack."

"I'm sorry it took me so long to come down," Sue Ellen apologized. "I was having some issues with my nerves. But I am truly happy you and Gary could come, Valene."

"Please don't be nervous," Val reached out and patted Sue Ellen's hand. "As many disagreements as we've had, we're still family. And I am really happy you invited us to come to the wedding."

"And I am so thankful you said yes," Sue Ellen smiled. "So very, very thankful."


"Cliff? Aren't you going to say anything?" Bobby asked.

"I uh… I mean...wow...I wasn't expecting this," Cliff stuttered.

"Get him some water, Ray," JR chuckled. "I think he's going to pass out."

"No," Cliff held up his hand. "Forget the water. I need booze."

Ray fixed Cliff a drink and handed it to him. "I'm not an oilman, Cliff, but seems to me we're offering you a pretty good deal."

"It's a GREAT deal," Cliff agreed. "I'm just in shock."

"Well, do you think you could get over it long enough to give us an answer?" JR asked, looking at his watch. "I have places to be."

"Can I ask you some questions first?" Cliff snapped back.

"Of course, Cliff," Bobby sighed. "What would you like to know?"

"Why are you resigning from Weststar, JR? I mean, I'm not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth, but you understand I have reservations. You haven't done anything... let's say...unethical over there, have you?"

"Barnes,you little…"

Bobby held up his hand and stopped whatever JR was about to say. "It's a fair question, JR."

"No," JR growled. "I haven't done anything unethical."

"Then why resign? You finally have everything you ever schemed for."

"That's right, Barnes, I do," JR admitted. "I got what I wanted, proved what I needed to prove, and now I want to come back to Ewing Oil where I belong."

"And that's it? Because you understand I don't want to take the job only to have you and Sue Ellen throw me out onto the street when you change your mind."

"That won't happen," JR said shortly.

"How can I be sure though?"

JR looked like his head was going to explode. Ray reached out and touched his shoulder. "It's another fair question, JR."

"First of all," JR seethed, "April has almost as much Weststar stock as I do. Hers combined with yours will make it hard for Sue Ellen and I to move against you. Secondly, I just don't have the time or energy to devote to running Weststar. I'm focused on other things now."

"Like your family?" Cliff asked.

"If you must know, yes," JR shot back.

"And you can work with me? And tolerate me being part owner in Ewing Oil?"

"Damnit Cliff, I already told you that! The Barnes/Ewing feud is done. We're connected through our family now. It's over. For good."

"Okay, JR," Cliff grinned.

"Okay?" Bobby repeated. "So you're taking the deal?"

"I'd be a fool not to," Cliff said.

"And you're okay with us absorbing Barnes/Wentworth?" Bobby pressed.

"As long as I maintain some ownership in Ewing Oil, yes."

"And you agree, Barnes, it's over. No more fighting. Ever," JR pushed.

"On my mother's grave," Cliff said solemnly. "All you boys join me in this drink! We've got a lot to celebrate!"


"It's beautiful Sue Ellen!" Valene held up the wedding dress, "stunning."

"Thank you," Sue Ellen smiled. "Lucy is actually the one who found it and showed it to me. Once I tried it on, I was in love."

"I can see why," Val said, hanging the dress back in Sue Ellen's closet. "Wow! This one is incredible too!"

"I picked that one out," Patricia told her. "She's going to wear it Saturday night."

"What's Saturday night?" Val asked.

"The Oil Baron's Ball," Sue Ellen told her. "I told Lucy to invite you, but she said we shouldn't press our luck."

"Oh?" Val smiled sadly. "That's too bad. I always wanted to go to one of those things."

"Really, Mama?" Lucy asked, shocked. "I thought you'd hate it. God knows I do."

"Are you kidding me? A girl from the wrong side of the tracks like me? I always dreamed of going to the fancy ball."

"Then go you shall!" Sue Ellen said excitedly. "Gary has to go get his tuxedo for the wedding tomorrow. He can pick up one.for the ball and we can go dress shopping!"

"I can't," Lucy said. "I have to meet the decorators for the wedding at Ray's tomorrow morning."

"Oh," Sue Ellen said, disappointed.

"That's no reason you and I can't go, Sue Ellen" Val said.

"Really?" Sue Ellen asked, her eyes full of hope.

"Of course! That's a wonderful idea!" Patricia broke in. "I'll stay here and watch the boys."

"Then it's a date, Sue Ellen!" Val winked at her sister-in-law, "you and me."

"Oh, Valene! I am so excited!" Sie Ellen reached out and hugged her sister-in-law. "We'll have a wonderful time!"

"I'm sure we will," Val hugged her back, "i'm sure we will."


"Alright, Sly, that's it. Make sure those papers get over to Harv then you can take off for the day. And I'm not coming into the office tomorrow, so after you get all my files moved to Ewing Oil, you can go on home."

"Okay, JR," Sly smiled.

JR went back into his office to grab his hat and briefcase. He was headed back out the door when he saw Sly talking to a shapely blonde.

"Can I help you?" He asked, then sucked in a deep breath when he recognized her.

"Hello, JR. Got a minute?"

JR saw the tiny little girl peeking at him from behind the skirt for the first time.

"Step into my office, Afton." He turned to Sly and whispered, "Stay until she's gone. And leave the damn door open."

"I'd offer the little one a treat, but all I have is booze," he gestured towards a seat. "What can I do for you?"

"I need some answers."

"From me?" JR asked incredulously. "Barnes' office is down the street."

"He might not tell me the truth."

"But you think I will?"

"You have no reason to lie to me, JR."

"Well hurry up," he said gruffly. "Sue Ellen.expects me at home."

"You don't need to remind me you're married, JR," Afton laughed. "Congratulations on the wedding by the way."

"What do you want, Afton?"

"Everyone keeps telling me how much Cliff has changed. They say he's a family man now. They say he has grown a conscious. They even say he has made peace with you. Is that true?"

"I'll tell you that he and I have come to an understanding. We share a nephew we both love. We even did a deal together today. But that's all I'll tell you. Anything else you want to know, you can go ask him."

"It's not that simple, JR," she said softly.

"It's exactly that simple, Afton. And I am going to have to tell him you came to see me, understand?"

Afton nodded and stood up.

"That little girl is real pretty," JR said, kindness seeping into his voice. "All little girls need a daddy, Afton."

Afton studied his face for a brief moment and then smiled sadly. "At least I know what everyone told me about you is true, JR. You've changed. A lot."

"Yes," JR agreed. "I guess you're staying with Mitch, but if that baby needs anything you call Southfork and tell Lucy to let me and Sue Ellen know.'

"Thank you, JR."

JR walked her out of his office and to the elevator. "Go see Barnes. You owe him that much." He stood back and watched as the elevator doors closed.

"Come on, Sly," he called. "Let's get out of here before some other crazy person walks in off the street looking to start trouble."


"I just can't believe it," April said again. "Hey, I have a lot of shares! I'll be your boss!"

Cliff burst out laughing, "I can live with that. April, this is so incredible! I am about to be the CEO of the biggest oil company in Texas, and JR Ewing personally put me in the chair! I just wish Pam.was around to see it. She'd be so proud.

"I know she would," April smiled. "I know I am very proud of you. Hey we should go celebrate! At a REAL restaurant. You're buying, Mr. Bigshot CEO.

"No problem! I'll take you to the most expensive place in town! I can afford it!"

"Wow," April giggled, "today is just one miracle right after the other!"


Sue Ellen sat on the edge of the tub and breathed deeply. "It will pass," she muttered to herself, wiping her brow with a cool, damp cloth.

"You in here, Miss Texas?"

JR's smile froze on his face when he got a good look at her. "Hot flash?" he asked, moving to kneel in front of her.

"A bad one," she nodded.

JR took the cloth from her and ran it under cold water in the sink. "Can you walk?"

"Yes," she said shakily.

He took her by the hand and led her to the bed. "Here, let me help you, honey."

He gently undressed her and laid her on the bed. "Turn over on your side, honey." He lifted her soaking wet hair and placed the cool cloth on her neck while he gently rubbed her shoulders. He waited with her until the sweating stopped and her breathing became normal. "Better?"

"Yes, but now I'm freezing."

He pulled off his boots, shrugged out of his jacket, adjusted her into his arms, and pulled the covers up around them.

"Oh, JR, I feel so tired."

"Go to sleep, honey."

"Will you stay with me?"

He hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head. "Yes, I'll stay with you, Sue Ellen. Always."


"Strange we haven't seen JR," Gary mused. "He's been home a while now."

"And it'll probably be a while before we do see him," Bobby laughed. "He and Sue Ellen like to spend 'quality time" together when he gets home from the office."

Gary chuckled, "Same old Romeo, huh?"

"Only with Sue Ellen," Bobby said.

"I doubt he's up there being Romeo right now," Lucy told them, "more like Florence Nightingale."

"Was Sue Ellen feeling sick again?" Miss Ellie asked, concerned.

"Yeah," Lucy nodded. "She tried to hide it but she was pale and shaking. Sweating a lot too."

"Is Sue Ellen sick, Mama?" Gary asked.

"No. Not exactly. She's dealing with some womaly issues."

"And JR is playing nursemaid?" Val asked doubtfully. "JR Ewing?"

"Wild, right?" Lucy laughed.

"Now I know for a fact y'all were all raised not to talk about a man when he's not around to defend himself," an amused voice came from behind them.

"JR," Gary stood up to shake his hand,"good to see you."

"And you," JR took the hand that was offered. "Hello, Valene," he nodded at his sister-in-law. "I'm very glad you could make it."

"Glad to be here," Valene told him. "Thank you for inviting us."

"JR, sit down and join us," Ellie gestured to an empty chair.

"In a bit, Mama. I just came down to get Sue Ellen some hot tea and thought I should come out and say hello. We'll both be down in a little while."

"Is she feeling better?" Miss Ellie asked.

"Much," JR nodded. "Be back soon. I look forward to catching up with everyone."

Valene waited for him to disappear back into the house. "I never thought I'd live to see the day that JR would fetch tea for his wife."

Ellie burst out laughing, "Me either! But I'm so glad that I have!"


"Feeling better?" JR asked, placing the tea cup on the vanity in front of his wife.

"Oh yes," Sue Ellen told him. "That hot shower did wonders for me."

"Good," JR muttered. "I have to tell you something before it slips my mind and comes back to bite me in the ass later."

"What happened, JR?" she asked nervously.

"Afton Cooper stopped by my office today." He frowned when he saw her body tense.

"Why? What did she want?"

"To talk to me about Cliff. She asked me if we'd buried the hatchet. I told her we had and told her if she had any further questions she needed to go see him."

"And that's all?"

"Yes. Except that…"

"What, JR?" Sue Ellen practically barked. "Spit it out."

"She had her daughter with her, Sue Ellen. I know I'm not an expert on kids, but something seemed off about that kid."

"Off?" Sue Ellen repeated. "How?"

"She was quiet. And I don't mean well behaved, I mean silent. And tiny. Lucy said she was almost four but John Ross was bigger than her when he was two."

"Maybe she's just little, JR," Sue Ellen said.

"Maybe," JR shrugged. "She's very pretty though. Sweet looking…" He stopped in mid sentence when he saw the look on her face. "What are you smiling about?"

"A beautiful blonde comes to see you and all you can talk about is her little girl," Sue Ellen smiled. "My how things have changed."

JR smiled back at her. "How was your day, honey?"

"Lovely. Valene and I are really getting along well. We're going shopping tomorrow."


"Yes," Sue Ellen nodded. "I'm so glad you invited them and so glad they came."

"Me too. Now, finish getting ready so we can go downstairs. Everyone is down there speculating that I'm keeping you hostage on our bed."

"Hmmmm…. That actually sounds like an amazing idea."

JR laughed and shook his head at her. "Get ready," he commanded softly. "I'll do plenty of hostage taking tonight."



Miss Texas 1967

Telly Talk Addict
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Hmm, so did Mitch help out because he's Afton's brother, because he's a doctor or both? I'm going to guess both. It sounds like Pamela Rebecca may have been affected by Afton's lifestyle :(

I do really like Mitch here though.

Jeremy was always kind of evil, now he's literally sick too.

I love the family dynamics of bringing back people like Patricia, Gary and Val, it makes it interesting to see them all interacting so much later in history than we did in the show.

I'm still unsure about Jack and April. I can see April going back to Jack because Bobby is so emotionally unavailable, but I don't know if that's best. In saying that, Sue Ellen and JR bicker just as much as April and Jack and they're perfect for each other so... :)


Super Moderator
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Ireland (North)
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Silence of the Lambs
Love how honest JR is being with Sue Ellen. I’m still not convinced it’s the menopause....

Really enjoying this each day with my coffee. Have been through a really difficult time and it’s like a wee rock to lean on.


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
Reaction score
Love how honest JR is being with Sue Ellen. I’m still not convinced it’s the menopause....

Really enjoying this each day with my coffee. Have been through a really difficult time and it’s like a wee rock to lean on.

Glad it helps ♥️


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
Reaction score
How far in advance do you write @CeeCee72 ? :)

LOL, if I had more, I'd send it to you.

I do about a chapter a day. Sometimes two, but at this moment I haven't even started the next part.

I have been Quarantined since February 16th. Not left the house even once. I am a freelance political writer and so lucky to still be able to work. I have been writing this fic to help me relax and break up my days. It really helps to be able to write something fun after hours of writing about school board meetings and local health boards and the state assembly (yuck).

I am glad this fic is helping your get through a hard time. If I should happen to get ahead a few chapters, I'll send them to you. But I will try to keep doing at least a chapter a day. ♥️


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
Reaction score
Hmm, so did Mitch help out because he's Afton's brother, because he's a doctor or both? I'm going to guess both. It sounds like Pamela Rebecca may have been affected by Afton's lifestyle :(

I do really like Mitch here though.

Jeremy was always kind of evil, now he's literally sick too.

I love the family dynamics of bringing back people like Patricia, Gary and Val, it makes it interesting to see them all interacting so much later in history than we did in the show.

I'm still unsure about Jack and April. I can see April going back to Jack because Bobby is so emotionally unavailable, but I don't know if that's best. In saying that, Sue Ellen and JR bicker just as much as April and Jack and they're perfect for each other so... :)

Believe it or not, I haven't decided about Jack and April yet - because I haven't decided what is going to happen with Pam yet. I have a rough outline in my head, but sometimes feedback here or something that doesn't seem right makes me change my plans.

Patricia is a character I always wished had been explored more. Her scenes with Sue Ellen in the Dream Season were fascinating to me. Sadly, when all of that was wiped out, the show just kinda dropped her all together.

As far as Gary and Valene go, the Knots Landing universe split from the Dallas universe so I feel free to do whatever I want with them. Since in this timeline, Bobby never died, the twins were never born.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
Last edited:


Super Moderator
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Ireland (North)
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Favourite Movie
Silence of the Lambs
LOL, if I had more, I'd send it to you.

I do about a chapter a day. Sometimes two, but at this moment I haven't even started the next part.

I have been Quarantined since February 16th. Not left the house even once. I am a freelance political writer and so lucky to still be able to work. I have been writing this fic to help me relax and break up my days. It really helps to be able to write something fun after hours of writing about school board meetings and local health boards and the state assembly (yuck).

I am glad this fic is helping your get through a hard time. If I should happen to get ahead a few chapters, I'll send them to you. But I will try to keep doing at least a chapter a day. ♥️

Oh I didn’t mean any pressure! I was just interested to see if you planned ahead or just wrote as it came to you. I do a bit of both. I do appreciate all of it and I’d love a sneak peak too! ;)

Feb 16th??! Oh my goodness. That’s a long time. I still have to work so am reading on my breaks.


Super Moderator
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Ireland (North)
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Favourite Movie
Silence of the Lambs
Believe it or not, I haven't decided about Jack and April yet - because I haven't decided what is going to happen with Pam yet. I have a rough outline in my head, but sometimes feedback here or something that doesn't seem right makes me change my plans.

Patricia is a character I always wished had been explored more. Her scenes with Sue Ellen in the Dream Season were fascinating to me. Sadly, when all of that was wiped out, the show just kinda dropped her all together.

As far as Gary and Valene go, the Knots Landing universe split from the Dallas universe so I feel free to do whatever I want with them. Since in this timeline, Bobby never died, the twins were never born.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

I agree about Patricia. I wish she had been around more too. It’s another thing that some people miss - the fact that both JR and Sue Ellen had messed up upbringings which contributed to their problems.

I would have loved to have seen a closer relationship with the four wives - like a team who helped and leaned on each other.

I’m not a huge fan of Pam, and totally agree that Sue Ellen is the daughter who had the most staying power. She fought and fought to the end like a true Ewing mixed with a little bit of Southworth and a lot of her own spirit. She had what it takes to survive and was the most loyal out of all the sons wives. She hung in there. Healthy or not, she did it out a huge amount of love and duty. Whereas Donna and Pam especially, survived only for themselves.

That is why Sue Ellen is the only one fit to be Queen.

Till death do us part, in sickness and in health. The ONLY woman strong enough to be JR’s Queen.

Karin Schill

Thanks for explaining about Knots Landing. I was confused about it. Have you watched Knots too?

The reason I ask is because Val and Gary in this story makes sense from a Dallas perspective but not from Knots. Also the shows must have parted ways after Lucys wedding in 1980 and not at the dream season since the twins were born in 1984 a whole year before the dream season began. Also Gary was married to Abby at the time. I will overlook that detail though since I love having Val and Gary there for a visit. :)

I hope Pam returns. Christopher needs her and Bobby deserves to be happy too.

Afton is a drug addict?
Wow! I never saw her like that when she was on the show so I wonder why she would start using.

I love that Mitch came back. He and Lucy seem to have a complicated relationship.

I like Jack and April and their banting. Their relationship was never actually explored on the show.

Glad to see the Ewing/Barnes fued being over with. :)

Corona sucks. I totally understand why you write to relax. I do pretty much the same. It is great to take your mind off everything else and go back to a time when life was easier. *hugs*
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Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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Thanks for explaining about Knots Landing. I was confused about it. Have you watched Knots too?

The reason I ask is because Val and Gary in this story makes sense from a Dallas perspective but not from Knots. Also the shows must have parted ways after Lucys wedding in 1980 and not at the dream season since the twins were born in 1984 a whole year before the dream season began. Also Gary was married to Abby at the time. I will overlook that detail though since I love having Val and Gary there for a visit. :)

I hope Pam returns. Christopher needs her and Bobby deserves to be happy too.

Afton is a drug addict?
Wow! I never saw her like that when she was on the show so I wonder why she would start using.

I love that Mitch came back. He and Lucy seem to have a complicated relationship.

I like Jack and April and their banting. Their relationship was never actually explored on the show.

Glad to see the Ewing/Barnes fued being over with. :)

Corona sucks. I totally understand why you write to relax. I do pretty much the same. It is great to take your mind off everything else and go back to a time when life was easier. *hugs*

I did watch Knots Landing for a while, but I haven't watched it in years. I could have sworn the twins were born after Bobby "died" but I can see how I got that wrong. Glad you are enjoying Gary and Val in the story though!
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Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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I don't own any of the characters in this story and no copyright infringement is intended.

This is a "What if?" fanfic. What if in the season eleven episode "Top Gun" Sue Ellen had changed her mind at the last possible moment and instead of teaming up with Kimberly and Wendell to beat JR she voted her Weststar shares to make him CEO?


What If

Part 57


"Let go of me you big bully!" Lucy struggled with all her strength. "When I get loose, you're a dead man!"

"You started it," JR growled.

"That's enough, JR!" Sue Ellen cried. "Put her down!"

"As you wish," JR grinned evilly, walked to the edge of the swimming pool, and dropped Lucy in with a thud.

"JR!" Lucy sputtered, thrashing around in the water. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Next time, think about who you're messing with before you start shooting water guns at people," JR said with a satisfied grin.

He was so busy laughing he didn't see Sue Ellen sneaking up behind him. "JR?" she said his name sweetly.

"Yes, honey…," his eyes grew wide with panic when he saw what she was getting ready to do. "Don't you dare, Miss Texas!"

But it was too late. Sue Ellen gave him a hard shove and he went flying, arms flailing, straight into the pool where he landed with a huge splash a few feet away from Lucy.

"Come on kids!" Jack rallied Charlie, John Ross, and Christopher. "Let's help Lucy get him!"

Gary watched the scene playing out in front of him, a look of fascination on his face.

"It's like this every night," Bobby told him. "If they're not horsing around in the pool, they're playing cards or throwing horseshoes or watching a movie. I know it must seem very strange to you, but it's normal life around here these days."

"Lucy and JR…" he stopped and shook his head. "She seems really happy."

"I think she is," Bobby replied. "I don't know what happened when she and Mitch split, but when she moved back to Southfork she was sullen and withdrawn. She's really come out of that. I'm glad to see her smiling again."

"Yes," Gary smiled. "Me too."

"Daddy!" Christopher yelled. "Come help us dunk Uncle JR!"

"That's my signal," Bobby laughed, jumping up and diving into the pool.

Sue Ellen sat back in her chair and watched them with a huge smile on her face.

"Things sure are a lot different here at Southfork these days," Valene said. "I remember mostly tension at the after dinner gatherings."

"Yes," Sue Ellen agreed. "Thankfully those days seem to be behind us."

"Because JR has changed?"

"Partly," Sue Ellen shrugged. "And because I've changed. And Bobby. I don't know, everything just seemed to get easier once we all realized the children were more important than our petty differences with one another."

"Sue Ellen," Val hesitated, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course,"Sue Ellen smiled.

"How are you going to feel if Bobby brings Pam back home? I mean...you've been Christopher's…"

"Mother?" Sue Ellen finished for her. "It will be hard to adjust," she admitted. "I've thought a lot about it. Pam has always been a very special person to me. Christopher and Bobby both would be so much better off with her in their lives. I'll make whatever adjustments I have to. I'm sure Christopher and I remain very close."

Val smiled and nodded at her sister-in-law. She finally understood why Lucy cared so deeply for her. The Sue Ellen that she was talking to tonight wasn't the same woman Val had known all those years ago. She HAD changed. THIS Sue Ellen seemed like someone Val would be very happy to call her friend.


"I'm surprised you're not out by the pool with the family," Clayton said, walking into the living room and heading straight to the bar to make a drink.

"I was with them all day," Ellie replied. "I thought it would be nice for all three boys to spend some time together without having to fret over me."

"Everyone seems to be getting along well," he observed, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

"Yes," she smiled. "I am very happy, Clayton. No one seems to have any interest in dragging up and discussing the past. It's almost like everyone is getting a fresh start - a clean slate."

"I am very happy for you, Ellie. For all of you."

"I wish Dusty were here," Ellie reached out to grasp his hand. "I wish you could have had the same happiness with him that I'm getting to enjoy with my sons."

"I wish so too," Clayton sighed. "But everything happens for a reason. Besides, your family is my family now too. I am enjoying this almost as much as you are."

Ellie beamed with pleasure and leaned forward to kiss him, "I love you so, Clayton."


"Did you have a chance to talk to Gary?" Sue Ellen asked, removing her robe and crawling into bed.

"Depends on what you mean by talk," JR marked his place in the book he was reading and put it on the bedside table. "We had a nice evening reminiscing about the old days with Daddy, and pondered the chances of a Cowboy's super bowl this year, and talking about the oil business. So, yeah we had a chance to talk."

"You know that's not what I meant,* Sue Ellen rolled her eyes.

"We're men, Sue Ellen. We don't need to have a long heart to heart about our feelings. We just forgive, forget, and move on."

"Have you both forgiven and forgot?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "but the fact that we can sit down together and enjoy a nice, peaceful evening says a lot. Don't you think?"

"I suppose," Sue Ellen said thoughtfully. "I truly enjoyed having him and Valene here today."

"Me too, honey," JR admitted. "This is the happiest I've seen Lucy in years."

"Yes. I am so happy for her."

"You know who I'm happy for?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


"Me of course," he laughed lowly, sliding over next to her and pulling her into his arms. "I have the most beautiful woman in the world in my bed. I believe I have some hostage taking to do."

Sue Ellen laughed and lifted her head to place a soft kiss on his mouth. "Well, I certainly hope no one pays the ransom."


"I can't today, Mitch," Lucy said into the phone. "I have stuff to do for the wedding all day and then Grandma is doing a family BBQ tonight. No. Tomorrow won't work either. I'm taking Mom lunch and I'm on babysitting duty tomorrow night when the rest of the family goes to the Oil Baron's Ball."

She listened to the reply, nodding her head at Elie when she came into the kitchen. "Hang on a second."

She held her hand over the receiver. "Grandma, would it be okay if Mitch comes to the BBQ tonight?"

"Of course," Ellie smiled, "You know Mitch is always welcome here at Southfork."

Lucy nodded and put the phone back up to her ear. "Okay. Come on over around 6:00. Yeah. See you then."

Lucy hung up the phone and moved to the so k to wash out her coffee cup.

"I'm glad he's coming," Ellie said. "I always enjoy seeing the two of you together."

"Don't get your hopes up, Grandma," Lucy warned her. "There's not going to be another reconciliation."

"Why?" Ellie asked her. "The two of you seem to love one another very much."

"I don't want to talk about it. Besides, I have to get over to Ray's. The decorators will be there soon. See you later, Grandma."

Ellie watched her walk from the room with a sad look on her face. Lucy had never once talked about her second divorce from Mitch, but it was very clear that whatever had happened, Lucy had been hurt very badly.


"Alright, boys," Harv said, "that's it. Cliff is now the owner of ten percent of Ewing Oil."

"Great, Harv, thanks. I'll walk you out," Bobby said, standing up."

"Well, that was easy," Cliff told JR. "I guess we're done. See you at the BBQ tonight."

"Just a minute, Barnes," JR stopped him. "I need to tell you something."

"What?" Cliff asked, his voice full of suspicion. "Don't go trying to change our deal now."

"It has nothing to do with business," JR sighed. "Afton is in Dallas. She came by to see me yesterday. She had her little girl with her."

"Why did she want to see you?" Cliff asked.

"She wanted to know if you and I had made peace. I told her yes and I told her if she had any other questions, she needed to talk to you."

"She doesn't need to talk to me," Cliff bit out. "We don't have anything to talk about. If she wants child support, she can contact my lawyer. I'll see you tonight, JR."

JR said nothing as Cliff stood and walked from.the office. Whatever was going on in Barnes' brain was none of his business and he wasn't going to get involved.


"I am so glad we did this!" Sue Ellen gushed. "Just wait until Gary sees you in that dress! You might not even make it to the ball!"

"Oh no," Val laughed. "Nothing is keeping me from that ball! Gary will just have to contain himself for a while!"

Sue Ellen laughed and took a sip of her ice water. "I am so happy we have this time together."

"Me too," Val smiled. "I'm glad we have some time alone. I'd like to talk to you about Lucy, if you don't mind. You have become very important to her; and to be honest knowing that Afton is in Dallas has me very worried."

"Why?" Sue Ellen asked.

"How much has she told you about what happened between her and Mitch?"

"Not a lot," Sue Ellen admitted. "She was very withdrawn when she moved back to Southfork. At the time, I had problems of my own so I didn't pry."

"Sue Ellen, what I am about to tell you, I'd appreciate if you kept it to yourself. I mean, I know you'll share it with JR - and that's fine, but please don't tell Lucy I told you. I just want you to understand what she went through. Gary and I will be gone in a few days and she may need to lean on you for support."

"Of course," Sue Ellen promised. "Please go on."

"After Afton left Cliff, she moved to Savannah with her mother. Everything was fine until her mother died. Then Afton started seeing a older man who promised to help her get her singing career off the ground. Instead he used her. Whored her out. Hooked her on drugs -pregnant and all. Mitch and Lucy had no idea until Mitch got a phone call from the hospital that Afton had given birth to a very premature and very sick baby girl. Afton went to rehab and Lucy and Mitch took the baby back to Atlanta with them once she was out of the hospital. Afton moved in with them too after her treatment. But it didn't stick and for months afterward she bounced from addiction to rehab. Mitch finally got fed up and kicked her out. For almost a year, he and Lucy raised Pammy together. Then one day Afton showed up sober, demanding her child back. She moved in again and slowly started taking over as Pammy's caretaker. Things were fine for a while, but then one day Lucy came home from work to find Afton and a man doing drugs. Lucy called Mitch, told him she was coming to Southfork for a visit and that she wanted Afton gone when she got home. Instead, Mitch had her served with divorce papers three days later. She was shocked and hurt and devastated. It took her a long time to get over it."

"That poor girl," Sue Ellen said, her eyes full of tears.

"Yes," Val said sadly. "So you understand why Mitch and especially Afton suddenly reappearing in her life makes me nervous. I just thought if you knew, you could help her get through it all."

"I promise I will be there for her, whatever she needs,* Sue Ellen said solemnly.

"Thank you," Val said, reaching over to squeeze Sue Ellen's hand. "I knew you'd feel that way."


"He's coming to the BBQ," JR growled. "I don't know if I'll be able to control the urge to punch him right in the face!"

Sue Ellen sighed and shook her head. She'd just finished telling him what she and Val had talked about at lunch. "No, JR. Lucy invited him. That means she wants him here and because of that we will play gracious hosts."

"Why?" JR wondered. "Why would she want him around when he has treated her so poorly?"

"Love is a powerful emotion, JR," Sue Ellen sighed. "We can't judge her. All we can do is support her."

JR sat down beside her on the bed and took her hand. "I guess we have to accept it. And I suppose if someone who didn't know us very well got told some of the stories about how I have treated you over the years they'd want to punch me as badly as I want to punch Mitch."

"Exactly," Sue Ellen agreed. "No one can know for sure what goes on in any relationship except for the two people directly involved.

"Alright," he promised. "I'll behave."

"Thank you, JR."

"Sue Ellen? I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Everything. But I promise. I won't ever hurt you again"

He pulled her into his arms for a deep, loving kiss, determined to wipe away all the bad times and make her secure in the good times that were to come.

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Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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I apologize for the shortness of that last chapter or if it feels like "filler." I needed to get the explanation about Lucy and Mitch's divorce posted and because of the way I have the story planned it had to be done before the wedding. I also felt like I needed to establish somehow that Gary and JR have come to an uneasy peace without actually talking things out because that will become an important detail over time.

Also, I kinda got overwhelmed with work yesterday. We had an explosive day in local politics and I had to cover it all.

Next chapter will be better. Promise!

Karin Schill

There's no need to apologize. I really enjoyed the last update. It gave us an explaination of why Afton turned to drugs and how she was to blame for Lucy & Mitch marriage falling apart. It must have been tough on Lucy to raise Pamela Rebecca for almost a year and then have Afton return to take care of her child.

I like that Lucy had confided in Valene about her marital problems. I still think it would have been better if Lucy & Mitch had moved to Knots Landing after getting remarried the second time rather than Atlanta.

Speaking of Knots Landing, I think the reason you mixed it up about the twins was because Val named her son Bobby after Bobby when he had died. But that was when the baby was almost a year since they were kidnapped. Val & Gary's twins were born in november 1984. I remember the details really well since I rewatched Knots Landing back in 2017-2018. :)


Telly Talk TV Fanatic
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There's no need to apologize. I really enjoyed the last update. It gave us an explaination of why Afton turned to drugs and how she was to blame for Lucy & Mitch marriage falling apart. It must have been tough on Lucy to raise Pamela Rebecca for almost a year and then have Afton return to take care of her child.

I like that Lucy had confided in Valene about her marital problems. I still think it would have been better if Lucy & Mitch had moved to Knots Landing after getting remarried the second time rather than Atlanta.

Speaking of Knots Landing, I think the reason you mixed it up about the twins was because Val named her son Bobby after Bobby when he had died. But that was when the baby was almost a year since they were kidnapped. Val & Gary's twins were born in november 1984. I remember the details really well since I rewatched Knots Landing back in 2017-2018. :)

Oh, right! I remember that now! Oh well, I should have looked it up.

I agree, Mitch and Lucy would have been great on Knots Landing.