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Anders' affair with Alexis

Snarky Oracle!

Telly Talk Supreme
Reaction score
Could anybody refresh me on the details?

And also recommend a lawyer, since I think they got it from tellytalk.net...


Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
Member Since
June 10, 2000
So Steven knew this woman named Melissa, who just happened to be married to a Senator. She was a big ol' ho, of course, and when Sam needed immigration papers Melissa blackmailed Steven into sleeping with her. I'm not sure if she was hoping a pregnancy would trap her husband into staying with her or what, but Steven felt compelled to keep this secret from Sam as the two men got married in the S1 finale. I think the Senator dumped her anyway, and she decided the best way for her to use the situation to her advantage was to hit the Carringtons up for child support. I guess she thought Blake would set her (and his grandchild) up with a mini-fortune, or perhaps she'd get an even bigger payday to allow Sam and Steven to adopt the baby and leave town.

At the same time, Kirby had returned after years away in Australia. She was portrayed as a Bitch on Wheels and perhaps even a pyromaniac. She had supposedly set fire to her room when she lived at Carrington Manor, so she was sent to live with her mother for several years. She was understandably pissed off at the world, but even more pissed off at Fallon and Alexis. The animosity came to a head at the shower for Melissa's baby. Kirby maintained that she had not set fire to her room years ago, that she'd been framed in order to get her kicked out of the house. Who did it? Alexis actually set the fire because Kirby had overheard her father and Alexis discussing the affair they'd had years before, and Kirby was shipped off before she could tell Blake. Then it was revealed that Steven was the product of that affair, which Anders did not deny. Steven (and Sam) were devastated, and Melissa (realizing the baby would no longer be regarded as "the Carrington heir") casually confessed that Steven wasn't even the father---she'd gotten her gynecologist to artificially inseminate her, I think (perhaps he did it the old-fashioned way, I can't recall). What I do remember was that in one scene Steven had his identity as a Carrington stripped away AND he found out he wasn't the father of that baby he'd been looking forward to.

The show did not have A&A waxing nostalgic about their roll in the hay. Anders looked mortified that the truth came out, mostly because it devastated Steven. I got the impression that Alexis tricked him into bed, or maybe seduced him just to get some sort of revenge on Blake. Neither of them wanted Steven's paternity to come out for obvious reasons, and I get this idea this was the first, big step toward greasing the skids underneath James McKay. In their hurry to get rid of Steven, they never did write a decent father-son chat between Anders and Steven, and by the time Steven was brought back Anders had been killed off.