Dallas Bloodlines Episode 1


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Here is a new pilot that I wrote an early draft for. This is what I wish was submitted to TNT before that Cidre mess.


Pilot, Bloodlines

Summary - Set in 2012, John Ross Ewing now is a driller in Wyoming. Upon hearing news of his grandmothers Dad he visits Dallas where he has not lived regularly since 1991 when his Dad committed suicide. Christopher Ewing is now Vice President of Ewing Oil working under his Uncle Cliff who is soon set to retire. Christopher has a distant relationship with Bobby who now runs Southfork. Upon gathering for Ms. Ellie's services, it is revealed that she left all Oil under Southfork for John Ross so he would move back to Dallas and reunite with Mother Sue Ellen who he has not spoken to since his Fathers suicide. This created a conflict where John Ross is forced to stay at Southfork in order to honor Ms. Ellie's wishes. Christopher is vengeful of this as he fears that John Ross will eventually take control of Ewing Oil since he is a "real ewing".

The only new character introduced in the pilot would be a love interest for Christopher who is heavily involved in politics. Their would be another love interest for John Ross that would be introduced in future episodes and play a huge role in the plot of future seasons. This character would be introduced in the 2nd episode.

Christopher in this story was written similar to JR in the original series. He is cold, cunning and calculated. Christopher only cares about power and fully inheriting Ewing Oil from his Uncle Cliff. John Ross is not written like Bobby in the original series, he is not a hero but is a character with a lot of shades of gray. He is not good or bad. Instead he is a confused character that never recovered from his fathers suicide. The character is really very insecure.

Bobby is a tired man. His opening scene is at a Dallas bar. Bobby no longer has a fighting spirit. He is a man that lives in the past.

Sue Ellen is moving back to Dallas after the death of her husband Don Lockwood. Sue Ellen also suffers from guilt from JR's suicide and has not spoken to her son John Ross since.

Cliff Barnes is cold blooded but not in a nutty way like he was in TNT Dallas. Cliff is similar to what we last saw in 1991. Remember he kept the sign Ewing Oil at the office when he first took it over because he wanted to send a picture to JR. This Cliff is deeply attached to Christopher and is obsessed with teaching with how to run an oil company. He is a surrogate father to Christopher. All the dirty tricks Christopher knows about the Oil Business are from Cliff.

In this pilot, their is a speaking role for Gary although we would not use him in a regular role. We also included cameos from Ray, Lucy and Donna but did not include speaking roles for them.

Weststar is also mentioned although Carter McKay is dead and buried. In future episodes a new CEO of Weststar would be introduced that does have a connection to the original series.


INT.... John Ross House

The alarm clock goes off. John Ross wakes up and stares in disbelief that it's already 4am. John Ross shirtless in his bed carries himself up and walks to his bathroom. John Ross turns on the shower and stares at himself blankly looking into the mirror. John Ross is looking inside himself. He is not sure that he likes what he sees.

EXT. John Ross Home

John Ross leaves his home which nothing greater then a small trailer. John Ross walks over to an old chevy pick up truck. At first the truck refuses to start but John Ross gets its to start. He begins to drive outside the dirt rode surrounding his "home".

EXT. Pattys Coffee Shop

John Ross pulls into Pattys Coffee Shop. It's still only 445am and pitch black dark outside.

INT. Coffee Shop

John Ross walks into the coffee shop. He is the lone customer in the shop.

John Ross

... Hey darling can you pore me a cup.


...Your here bright and early.

John Ross rolls his eyes

John Ross

...Got to get to the fields early today. Nothing is coming out of the ground and Leo ain't so happy.

Patti pours his cup and smiles


...Leo was born unhappy.

John Ross

...Maybe so but he is the boss. This better not be another dry hole.


...This ain't Texas darling. Your in Wyoming. Drilling ain't the same here.

John Ross

...Texas drilling is overrated.

He smirks while saying this and walks out the coffee shop. Patty stares at him as he leaves.

Ext. Oilfield

John Ross Chevy Pick-Up truck pulls up outside the oil field.

Int. Leo's Office

John Ross walks into Leo's small office which is nothing more then a trailer alongside the field.


...Hello Junior

John Ross

...You know I don't like when you call me that.


...Well then hello John Ross

Leo rolls his eyes

John Ross

...What are we looking at right now. Making any progress.


...No such thing as progress in this business.

John Ross

...Well me and the boys gotta start drilling.


...Junior you got a letter waiting for you. I didn't open it but it was sent here.

Leo grabs the envelope on his desk and hands it to John Ross. John Ross opens the envelope and reads the letter. While reading it his eyes tear up.


...Everything alright Junior?

John Ross


John Ross looks worried and sad.

John Ross

...I never thought anything would bring me back to Southfork but my grandma just passed away. Miss Ellie is dead

Ext. Christopher’s Bar and Grill

Bobby Ewing sits alongside the bar in the mid afternoon. Their is an emptiness and certain sadness in his eyes


...I'm awfully sorry about your Mama. She was a fine lady.


...She was a strong lady


...Anything else Mr Ewing?

Bobby just nods his head.

A fellow bar patron sits next to Bobby. Bobby glances at him.

Bobby (muttering to himself)

...21 years ago. I lost my brother. That same year I lost my wife.

Bar Patron looks confused but attempts to console Bobby who is very upset.

Bobby continues

...I got a kid that doesn’t even know me. What kind of father doesn’t talk to his own flesh and blood?

Bobby finishes the glass of bourbon and leaves a $50 bill on the bar table prior I walking out of the establishment.

Ext. Downtown Dallas

A close up is shown of a large high rise building which is now the home of Ewing Oil.

Int. Christopher's Office

Christopher sits in his office. He is now the Executive Vice President of Ewing Oil where he works under his Uncle Cliff. His secretary Bonnie enters his office.


...Bonnie can you you page Jackie and tell her I need to see my Uncle Cliff.


...Yes I will tell her.



Bonnie walks out the office and Christopher stares outside his office window looking outside Downtown Dallas.

The door opens and Cliff walks in


...Uncle Cliff


...Christopher I'm sorry about Ms. Ellie.


...Thanks Uncle Cliff but I wanted to see you about something else.


...What's bothering you?


...When I first started working here, I remember that you told me you were going to teach me everything you knew about this business.

Cliff stares at Christopher


...I owe you a lot. I really do.


...Your all I have Chris. You and this company are the two only things that mean anything to me.


...I understand that. And I appreciate everything you have done.

Cliff looks concerned


...I want to begin to have more dialogue with the boys at the cartel.


...Those guys are nothing but bloodsuckers. They are like vampires Chris. They will suck you dry.


...We need more capital for the kind of deals we need to take on.




...It's the only thing holding us back from being #1 in Texas.


...My whole life Chris I fought to be number 1. Trust me it's not all that it's cut out to be.


...What about I at least call Eric and setup a meeting with those old boys.


...That guys the worst Chris. You know how I feel about him.


...When you brought me on you told me that you trusted me with your empire.


...You mean our empire


...You know Uncle Cliff how much I want this company to be Number 1.

Cliff stares at Christopher and smiles


...Ok setup the meeting. I want to be their though. How about next Tuesday at the Oil Barons Club?


...Thank you Uncle Cliff. I promise that you will not regret it.

Ext. Love Field Airport

John Ross exits the Airport and walks into a taxi.

Int. Taxi

The taxi driver is a short and chubby man. He is smoking a cigarette in The taxi.

John Ross

...Has anyone ever told you those things are bad for you.


...Where you heading?

John Ross

...Southfork Ranch


...What the hell you doing their.

John Ross

...I don't know

The taxi driver begins driving and John Ross looks outside the window.

Ext. Southfork

A close up of Southfork. It looks the same as it last did in 1991.

Int. Southfork Kitchen

Bobby walks into the Southfork kitchen. He stares at a picture of Ms. Ellie on the refrigerator and looks in deep thought.

Bobby then walks outside the kitchen where he is greeted by his ranch foreman Bill Cunningham.


...Mr Ewing I’m awfully sorry about your Mama.


...Thanks Bill. She liked you a lot.


...I wish I wasn’t leaving next week but I already made plans to work the Callahan Ranch in Colorado.


...It’s fine Bill. I can handle the ranch. Not much here anymore to handle.


...I’m going to miss this place Bobby. It’s one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

Bobby looks at Bill, closes his eyes and nods his head.


...This ranch is in my blood. It’s in my DNA.


...You were raised here. This is your home.


...A lot of good and a lot of bad have come from this ranch. Sometimes more bad then good.


...Where are you going to bury Ms Ellie?


... Next to my Daddy and my older brother JR. That’s where she wanted to be.


...You don’t talk about JR much.


...He was my older brother.

Ext. Southfork Gates

A taxi pulls up and stops outside the Southfork gates. John Ross walks outside and stares from afar at the ranch. The driver walks out with a cigarette in hand


...So this is Southfork?

John Ross

...From here this place looks so peaceful. So beautiful.


...You sure you don't want a smoke?

John Ross

...No. I guess it's time for me to go back home. I will walk from here.


...You sure. I can drive you up?

John Ross

...Yes sir. Here is your money. (John Ross hands him money)


...I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed but I got a feeling you go some demons in those halls.

John Ross

...Well Sir your a lot smarter then you look.

Ext. Downtown Dallas Apartment

Int. Apartment

Christopher walks inside an apartment after opening the for with a key.


...Celeste where are you?


...I'm in the bathroom.



Celeste walks outside the bathroom door. She is in her late twenties, blond and beautiful. She immediately hugs Christopher and kisses him on the lips.


..Hey beautiful. Nice to finally see you.


...I'm glad your back from Austin.


...It's about damn time. The Senator had a lot of meetings out their getting ready for the next campaign.


...He is a conservative. You and I both know that conservatives don't lose elections in Texas.


...Well he still needs my help. And on that note I'm not the only person that's been throwing themselves into their work.

Christopher takes off his shirt


...I ain't always clinging to my work honey.


...Well obviously not.


...One day I will own Ewing Oil and we will live in the biggest house in Texas.


...I love you Christopher. I always will and always have.


...I promise that I ain't ever gonna leave you darling

Celeste and Christopher embrace and begin to make love.

Int. Southfork Dining Room

John Ross walks into the dining room and sits at Jocks chair at the head of the table. He stares at all the empty seats while Bobby walks in.


...John Ross?

John Ross

...What's it been 6 years or so since old Claytons funeral?


...I guess it has.

John Ross

...As you know Uncle Bobby this ain't my favorite place.


...Well I'm glad your here. Your Grandma would be happy to. She missed you.

John Ross shakes his head.


...Your mama is coming into town tomorrow.

John Ross

...Well I don't want to see her.


...Come on John Ross?

John Ross

...I'm here for Ms. Ellie. When this is over I am out.


...What does that have to do with seeing your Mama? Your going to have to see her

John Ross

...That women is a cancer Uncle Bobby. Everything she touches falls apart.


...You can't blame her for what happened.

John Ross

...She made me move to London. She turned me against my Daddy. If I was here maybe he wouldn't have taken the easy way out.


...Your Mama loves you.

John Ross

...How is Christopher?


...He is fine. He will be here tomorrow at the services.

John Ross

...I remember when we were kids. I always thought of him as my little brother.


...He's changed John Ross.

John Ross

...Because of Cliff?


... Not entirely.

John Ross



...He is obsessed with conquering the oil business. I'm worried that he doesn't know when to stop.

Bobby changing the subject

...I hope you will consider staying John Ross. I'm sure their are plenty of jobs Cristopher could get you at Ewing Oil.

John Ross stares angrily

John Ross

...I don't need the Ewing name. I especially don't need to be getting paid by that loser that killed my Daddy.


...You know how I feel about Cliff. But he didn't kill JR. You know who killed JR? JR killed JR.

John Ross

...The quicker I can get out of this purgatory the better. This house brings nothing back but bad memories.


...You can sleep in your old room if want to.

John Ross

...Their ain't no place for me here. This ain't my life.


...Well Richard Smithfield wants to meet with us after the services. Talk about Mamas will. I will want you to be their.

John Ross

...I will be their.


...Thank you.

Ext. JR's Grave

John Ross walks up to JR's gravestone which is located on Southfork. It reads that JR passed in 1991. John Ross sits and puts his head closely to the gravestone.

John Ross

...You told me once that you were going to teach me everything that I need to know about this business. Well you lied. You lied to me and you lied to Jock. Granddaddy would be ashamed of you. He died like a hero and you died like a coward. Things get a little hard and you quit. Your a sad man JR Ewing a very sad man. As John Ross speaks to his fathers grave we see a flashback to 1987 when Jeremy Wendell tried to take down the picture of Jock after taking over control of Ewing Oil. The words “Touch that painting and I will kill you where you stand” is how he wants to remember his Daddy.

Ext. Mamas Funeral

Attending the memorial are Bobby, Sue Ellen, John Ross, Christopher, his girlfriend Celeste, Lucy Ewing who now lives in California, Ray Krebbs who owns a ranch in Colorado, Donna Dowling who lives in Virginia with her husband, Gary Ewing and Valene Ewing who both still are married and live in California. Close ups of all the family members are shown. All are focused on Ms. Bobbys eulogy about Ms. Ellie accept for Sue Ellen who stares at John Ross out of the corner of her eyes.

Bobby beginning his eulogy

...Mama was not always a gentle lady. She once attacked my Daddy with horse whip and chased off reporters with a shot gun. Behind that tough exterior though was a caring women that loved her family. She loved her sons. She loved her grandchildren. And she loved her husbands. Mama will be deeply missed and her presence will always be felt here at Southfork. Mama will be buried on the land she loved, the land that she cherished. We love you Mama.

A close up is shown of Bobby crying while delivering the eulogy and closing his eyes.

Ext. Southfork

Many family members are gathered outside Southfork to celebrate Ms. Ellie. John Ross drinks bourbon and branch at the bar until he is tapped on the shoulder by his cousins Christopher.


...Well the drifter returns I see.

John Ross

...Well I had a good reason. How you doing cousin?


...I'm happy to see you. It's been a long time. What is it now 6 years?

John Ross

...I don't make it a habit of coming around this place.


...Well that's why I'm here. I don't want to make sure this doesn't become a habit.

John Ross stares at Christopher with a sad face.


...When your Daddy ended his life he left the Ewing name in shambles. Since then I have been trying to fix it.

John Ross

...Well you have done a good job


...I want to make sure that you don't return here and want a job at the company. The last thing this company needs is a little bastard like you running around.

John Ross grabs Christopher by the shirt and puts his fist to his face.

John Ross

...I would knock you senseless but it's just not worth it.

Christopher glares at John Ross

John Ross

...I'm leaving tomorrow. Nothing for me here.

John Ross pushes Christopher as Sue Ellen watches this scene from afar.

Int. Southfork Dining Room

John Ross enters and pours himself another drink. Sue Ellen enters the room behind him.

Sue Ellen

...Hello John Ross

John Ross

...Look who it is. Mother of the year.

Sue Ellen

...Is Christopher trying to get you to leave Dallas?

John Ross

...Christopher doesn't want any distractions at Ewing Oil.

Sue Ellen

...I need you here John Ross.

John Ross

...How about all those times that I needed you.

Sue Ellen begins crying

Sue Ellen

...Don't say that John Ross

John Ross

...You were never a mother. You were always a selfish bitch that only cares about herself.

Sue Ellen

...I’m moving back to Dallas. Since Don died my life has been so empty. I need you back in my life.

John Ross

...Go back to the booze mama.

Sue Ellen

...I haven’t had a drink since you were a little child.

John Ross

...My Daddy is a coward and my Mama was and always will be a lush. What do you think that makes me?

Sue Ellen cries and walks outside the dining room. John Ross continues drinking his bourbon and branch.

Ext. Southfork Patio (Night)

Christopher sits overlooking the ranch while enjoying a drink as Bobby appears.


...Hello Son


... Sad day. You did a great job earlier Dad with those things you said about Grandma.


...I meant every word. Your Grandma was one heck of a lady.


...Celeste just left. She is working the campaign. I can't get that women to ever stay in Dallas.


...You love her?


...I think so Daddy.


...Their is more to life then Ewing Oil.


...I am going to put this company back on top Daddy.


...Is Uncle Cliff retiring?


...Not yet but someday it will all be mine. The entire empire. It will be back solely in Ewing Blood.


...Why is that so important to you?


... I'm going to put the Ewing Name back on top.


...At the end of the day Christopher their are things more important then the Ewing name. I just want you to be happy. Knowing your happy makes me happy.


...I know that Daddy and I love you. But understand how important it is to me to put the Ewing name back on top.


...Did you talk to John Ross?


...He is a poor soul.


...I remember then you guys were kids. You followed him everywhere.


...Let him go back to Louisiana or wherever the heck he came from.


...I think his mother wants him to stay.


...You don't need to worry about that. He will be leaving in the morning.

Bobby stares at Christopher with a concerned look on his face.

Ext. JR’s Grave

Sue Ellen sits at JR’s grave site.

Sue Ellen

...It’s been a long time JR. Too long. So many scars. It’s going to take a long time for these wounds to heal. We weren’t right together J.R. We hurt each other and the sad part is that we enjoyed doing it

Ext. Oil Barons Club

Int. Oil Barons Club

Cliff sits and enjoys a drink. He stares on his I-Phone of old pictures of he and Afton. A man sits next to Cliff named Frank Antonellis


...Hello Mr. Barnes.


...Frank it’s good to see you.


...Here is what you wanted to see

Frank hands Cliff a large envelope and Cliff opens it. Cliff intently stares at it.


...Frank was their ever anything you wanted more then anything?


...I don’t know Mr. Barnes. Maybe a new convertible.


...All my life, I fought for Ewing Oil. It’s all I ever cared about. A long time ago I took that company and I thought all my problems were going away.




...I took her for granted?


...Ms Cooper?


...She was so beautiful. I always asked myself what such a pretty young lady was doing with me.


...It sounds like a love story


...It was

Int. Benny’s Brewery

Bobby sits and sips on a drink. He stares at his I-Phone and pulls up his Facebook page. He sees a new friend request from a man by the name of Luke Mitten. Bobby stares and smiles

Int. Smithfield Law Office

Bobby, Gary, John Ross and Christopher sit at a table with Richard Smithfield, a man in his forties who is nephew of the late Harv Smithfield who passed in the mid 1990's.


...It's upsetting I need to see you all under these circumstances.


...Thanks Rich. I made sure that myself, Gary and the grandkids were here.


...I have a lot of business to tend to in California. I'm flying back with Valene later this afternoon.


...Well let's get right to the point then. Ms. Ellie in 2007 made some changes to her will. She left a document that he wanted me to read to everyone in this room.


...What did Grandma have to say?


...Yeah Rich what did she say.

John Ross looks nervously as Richard begins to open the letter and read it.


...This is exactly what Ms Ellie said

Richard pauses and then begins to read the letter

Richard l

...To My Sons,

...I wish That all three of my sons were alive to read this. I will never forgive myself for what happened to JR. I loved him with all my heart as I love all my sons. I will forever cherish our memories together and I know that I will live on in your hearts. I leave all my inheritance to Bobby and Gary. As previously stated in 1990, I leave full ownership of Southfork to Bobby. Gary is busy with his life in California and has no interest in the ranch. Therefore Bobby I leave you as the sole bearer of Southfork. I always have asked you Bobby to protect the land. As important though as the land is to me and my memory it pails in comparison to my love for family. I request upon my death that drilling begins immediately on Section 40 of Southfork. This will be the 1st field of a new oil company that will be owned by my nephew John Ross. The company will be called Southworth Oil. I ask John Ross as my last wish to run this company and stay in Dallas and build the legacy of his Daddy. I forever have loved the land. But I never loved it as much as my sons or my family.

Christopher with anger walks out of the room and slams the door. Bobby and Gary stare in disbelief while John Ross stares down at the desk.

Int. Ewing Oil Office

Christopher paces in his office sweating profusely from nerves.

Int. Oil Barons Club

Bobby walks into the Oil Barons Club and takes a seat at the bar next to an old friend Cliff Barnes.


...What gives me the pleasure of meeting with Bobby Ewing?


...We need to talk.


...What do we have to talk about.


...It's about Christopher


...He's your son Bobby


...I know that Cliff but we may have some problems.


...What happened?


...My Mama requested drilling on Southfork in her Will and gave full rights to my nephew John Ross.


...Jr's Boy?




...And you think that Christopher is going to try and destroy him.


...Well he did learn from the best


...You know Bobby why I never changed the name to Barnes Oil? It's because of knowing that I now own the same company that my Daddy and me fought our entire lives.


...And what about Christopher?


...I care about Christopher. I love Christopher. He will one day own Ewing Oil.


...I know that you showed Christopher every dirty trick that you know. Tell him to stay away from John Ross.


...Christopher is a grown man. He makes his own decisions.


...He listens to you Cliff. If he comes after John Ross you better watch your back. I have stayed out of the Barnes-Ewing feud for a long time but don't think I still don't have some fight left in me.


...Bobby your a rancher now. Not an oil man. You cant hurt me.


...Cliff remember what it was like fighting JR all those years ago. Do you really want that again?


...I beat your brother. Don't think I can't beat you?


...Consider yourself warned Cliff. Tell Christopher to stay away from John Ross.

Bobby storms out of the Oil Barons Club and strikes some fear in the eyes of Cliff.

Int. Ewing Oil Offices

Christopher Ewing sits in his office. He makes a call to Eric Stenson from The Cartel.


Eric I would like to meet with you. It’s about a new company called Southworth Oil.

Ext. Southfork Field

John Ross rides his horse out to the future drilling field at Southfork Ranch. John Ross stares at the land and briefly smiles. His cell phone beeps. John Ross receives a text message to meet Christopher at the Cowboys Stadium.

Int. Southfork Office

Bobby Ewing sits down in his office with hands on his head. He grabs his phone and send a Facebook message to Luke Mitten that he wants to meet him.

Ray Krebbs comes walking into the office


...Hey Ray.


...I just wanted to say goodbye before I head back to Colorado.


...You can stay longer if you would like.


...This place was never for me.


...Your my brother.


...Yes you are.


...I never thanked you for raising Lucas the way you did.


...He is a good boy. I’m proud to be his father.


...What did I do wrong Ray?


...With Christopher?


...We have him everything he ever wanted.


...My entire life, I felt like an outsider in this family.


...But Ray


...Let me finish! My entire life I never felt like a Ewing. I always had something to prove.


...Prove what?


...That I could live up to the name Ewing. You see Bob, Jock was a fighter. He didn’t accept defeat. The man did not know how to lose. I could never live up to that.


...I never put that pressure on Christopher.


...No Bob you didn’t. But Chris did. He wants to prove to everyone that he is a real Ewing.

Bobby stares at Ray and nods his head.

Ext. Cowboys Stadium

John Ross stands inside the stadium as suddenly a helicopter approaches which appears to be owned by Ewing Oil. The helicopter lands and Christopher walks outside towards John Ross.


...Well I get to share this stadium with the owner of Southworth Oil.

John Ross

...Your a sad man Christopher.


...The only think that's going to be sad is watching me destroy your company.

John Ross

...Who even said I was staying?


...No way you would do that to Ms. Ellie.

John Ross

...What if your right?


...Well then i'm going to use all resources to destroy you.

John Ross

...Your a disgusting human being


...However disgusting I may be you don't know what your dealing with here. I want you out of Dallas. Sell me that field.

John Ross

...And tarnish Ms. Ellie's memory?


...I wont even drill on it. You sell me that land though and then you get the hell out of Dallas.

John Ross

...Why do you care if I am running a separate company.


...Leave Dallas or I am going to have you thrown out.

John Ross

...When I first got word today I thought about leaving. I hate it here. But you know Chris it may be worth it to stay and watch you suffer.


...Leave John Ross

John Ross

...I know why your worried Christopher. It's because you don't have any real Ewing Blood.

Christopher walks towards John Ross and slaps him

John Ross

...I'm going to stay around Christopher and I'm not going to get in your way. Just stay out of mine.


...Boy you don't know what your dealing with.

Christopher spits on John Ross shoes and walks away towards his helicopter. John Ross stares at Christopher as his helicopter leaves the arena. John Ross then pulls out a picture of his mama and Dads 2nd wedding out of his pocket. He looks at the picture and gives it a kiss.