I watched it as a child, so the physical comedy was more of a draw than the sexual innuendo that went right over my head. But even as a child, I often wondered how the characters managed to have so many foolish misunderstandings simply because of a mis-heard sentence or false assumption about a situation. The plots (if you can call them that) were so repetitive that you HAD to gravitate toward loving the characters in order to tolerate it.
I liked the slapstick-y quality of Stanley and Helen Roper, so it was quite a revelation to see some older (late-1960s) clips of the soap opera Another World with Audra Linley playing Liz Matthews, a humorless, manipulative, bitchy busybody who tried to run all her family members' lives (think a bloodthirsty Marie Barone). The wisecracking, caftan-wearing Helen Roper is like a retirement-bound Peggy Bundy, trying to get her lump of a husband in the mood for something more than TV.