The Young and the Restless Watching The Young and the Restless

Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
Member Since
June 10, 2000
In my experience, it seems that internet sites that used to cater to all soaps have evolved/fractured into sites that favor one soap or another, allowing fans of each soap places for them to focus on that one show. So instead of a soap lover looking for a General Soaps site to look for discussions, they might look for a Days site or a Y&R site, sites which would have less overall traffic but would have more frequent visits from the members. The level of coverage various sites give to each soap might be geared to analysis of their traffic---it's all about ads on so many of the larger sites. The result is that Y&R fans (and other fans of the others) gravitate toward one another and just talk among themselves in places like Facebook pages, Twitter sites, and such which are dedicated to their show rather than interacting with fans of the other shows in larger places.

One soap news site I frequent (Daytime Confidential) has more coverage of General Hospital (casting news, synopses, spoilers, etc.) than the other three soaps combined. I don't think it was an intentional shift, but this sort of thing snowballs over time, and nothing is being done to try to correct it from what I can tell. If that site gets more "hits" from GH stories than Y&R stories or B&B stories, then they will continue to provide more GH stories in order to make more ad revenue. Fans of Y&R, B&B and Days simply find other sites that favor "their" soap elsewhere. I'm sure there are Y&R-centered sites out there that basically ignore GH. ;) Soap Opera Digest, as a website and the now-defunct magazine, was overwhelmingly biased toward coverage of Days of Our Lives even as it claimed (or still claims) to be objective and seeks to cover all soaps equally.

Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
Member Since
June 10, 2000
It might be a transparent act of 'fan service' to make us old-timers happy, but I'll take it:
The Young and The Restless to Revive Newman Ranch Set - Daytime Confidential

Apparently no one has noticed a huge construction project going on at the ranch, but they're all rather dim to begin with.

I'm saying it right now: if the set doesn't include the triumphant return of Big Blue Plate, it will be a waste of money! Back when they were using that set all the time, online fans used to joke endlessly about this porcelain plate that was displayed in the middle of the set. It sat witness to all the drama, tears, big hair, overacting......oh, the stories it could tell! BBP was jokingly talked about as if he/she was a junior cast member.

In the clip below, we see BBP in his/her usual spot, a front-row seat in a now-infamous scene involving John and Victor.



Telly Talk Dream Maker
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My expectations for the perfect new Newman Ranch are low, which is probably due to the way the show is currently handling history.

When Tracy was in the restaurant with Alan and saw Victor with Michael at the other table, she told Alan how powerful Victor is and how long the feud between Jack and Victor has been going on, but Tracy (or the writers) had apparently forgotten the most important fact about Victor: that her daughter's heart beats in Victor's chest.

I also didn't like the way Paul was treated after Heather's death. So Paul had a stroke after he got the news of his daughter's death, which is why he couldn't attend the funeral, but no one thinks to visit Paul and support him, which is what I would have expected from Nikki in particular.

Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
Member Since
June 10, 2000
Doug Davidson's departure from Y&R was, contentious so I certainly did not expect "Paul" to return for the funeral (or for any other reason). The stroke/heart attack plot point was actually more than I expected from the writers--part of me thought the bad feelings between actor and producers would extend into the onscreen events (as they often do) and they would simply ignore Paul's existence, or maybe write something that cast him in a negative light.

The return of Ed Scott as Senior Producer might signal a change---he might even try to coax Davidson back onto the show since Doug D's beef seems to have been with some of the people Ed Scott will be now supervising. A lot of Y&R actors have left in a huff but returned as soon as the producer who made them angry got fired or otherwise departed.

I saw a brief clip of MTS and Braeden being "introduced" to the new/old set. It's decorated and laid out similarly, but it's much smaller. And so far no BBP. :(


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY
I saw a brief clip of MTS and Braeden being "introduced" to the new/old set. It's decorated and laid out similarly, but it's much smaller. And so far no BBP. :(
Without BBP it just can’t be the same set in my view. I was always waiting for that thing to get broken in a fight between Nikki and Ashley but thankfully it never happened.


Telly Talk Dream Maker
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I didn't think I'd ever say it, but I'm over Jordan. So she and Ian are behind everything that happened to Sharon?!? It's no surprise that someone switched Sharon's medication, but I did wish Sharon killed Heather and pushed Phyillis off the road, but as it is, Sharon just has to suffer like Ian wanted. Ian was always the standard villain for me, luckily played by an actor I like, but Ian and Jordan together isn't as entertaining as it might seem on paper. Instead, I'm glad when their scenes are over. If Jordan kills Ian and goes off on her own like she used to, the story might get more interesting again.

What I don't need at all is a brother for Nate. Nate is one of the supporting characters on the show, like Sally and Audra, who are good as long as they support main characters, but once they get their own storyline it gets difficult. I didn't watch Y&R when Amy was on, I hadn't even heard of the character before she returned, but I've since read her recap and she seemed very nice, so it doesn't make sense that she was hiding his child from Nathan.

So Jack and Diane taught Kyle a very special lesson, which ended up getting him the job he wanted from the start and why he broke up with his parents in the first place. Weird parenting lesson?!?
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Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
Member Since
June 10, 2000
What I don't need at all is a brother for Nate. Nate is one of the supporting characters on the show, like Sally and Audra, who are good as long as they support main characters, but once they get their own storyline it gets difficult. I didn't watch Y&R when Amy was on, I hadn't even heard of the character before she returned, but I've since read her recap and she seemed very nice, so it doesn't make sense that she was hiding his child from Nathan.
I see what they are doing...or at least what it looks like they're trying to do. Neil Winters was the previous recipient of a long-lost, "troubled" brother who popped up seemingly out of nowhere---Malcolm. He was "street" and angry at the world, but mostly resentful of brother Neil for his great job and life. He got entangled with Neil's wife Drucilla, seducing her and conceiving Lily in the process. Now I guess they will attempt to recreate that plot with Lily the object of the brother's seduction?

I remember Amy quite well, and it is a stretch that she would have left town carrying Nathan's baby. However, in Nathan's final few years on the air he was not the positive role model he had been, so maybe they decided Amy was better off without him. He had affairs behind his wife's back, including one affair with a woman who later discovered she had AIDS; I'm not sure if they thought she had exposed him to it or if he had maybe given it to her. I can't recall specifics but I got the idea the producers did not like the recast actor they had hired, so they decided to do a character assassination by having Nathan cheating around town and ruining his friendships with most of the town.


Telly Talk Dream Maker
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I had no interest in Nate's brother at all, but luckily he is played by Nathan Owens, who I wasn't a fan of on Days of our Lives, but I liked him even better in primetime on Devious Maids, Batwoman and 9-1-1: Lone Star. It's too early to say what I'll think of him on Y&R. This talk between the brothers about The Count of Monte Cristo was pretty bizarre and it could easily seemed to Damian as if Nate was hitting on him and not offering him a job. It's funny that Nate lost weight and changed his look as soon as he was about to meet his new brother. Sean Dominic probably wants to keep up with Nathan Owens.

As for Jordan and Ian: everything could be better. The script seems a bit clumsy, but at the same time it is by far the best that Y&R is currently offering.


Telly Talk Dream Maker
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I'm glad that Colleen Zenk's exit is getting attention outside of the daytime world and that even standard entertainment sites are reporting on it. Jordan's latest run was her worst, but the fact that it surprisingly became her endgame made the whole thing worth watching. For me, Jordan is the best new character on Y&R since... I can't say for sure, but definitely for at least a decade. It's a shame that the writers overdid it with Jordan too quickly. It's also a shame that Claire has become so uninteresting, because she had so much potential. I'm amazed that Jordan's exit wasn't saved for the February sweeps and what Y&R wants to bring in that's exciting instead.