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  1. Toni

    Melissa Re-uploaded

    Once upon a time... In December 2015 (6 years ago already), I and all the "Falcon Crest" fans got an early Christmas present in the form of a one-hour Question & Answer session with one of my favorite stars of this show, Ana-Alicia. We had sent her a lot of questions which she kindly answered...
  2. Toni

    The Dame has spoken (Attittude interview)

    I´ve just seen this, Dame Joan Collins has given an interview to the Attittude magazine...and she´s ranting and whining again about her Dynasty days: Dame Joan Collins has opened up about her real-life feuds with her former Dynasty co-stars, admitting for the first time just how far the...
  3. Tina Ewing

    Dallas Actors Patrick Duffy moved to tears by BBG's acting in this Dallas scene...

    In this 1-hour long interview that took place at Series Mania Festival in Lille, France at the beginning of May, Patrick Duffy talks about the important stages of his career which were, of course Man from Atlantis and his role of Bobby in Dallas. About 20 minutes into the interview the audience...
  4. Alexis

    The Colbys Writer Paul Huson Has Agreed To An Interview With Me

    I found and contacted the writer/producer Paul Huson who was one half of the Bast - Huson production team that ran The Colbys. He has agreed to give a written interview about his time running the show. I contacted him on kind of a whim, without even really thinking about what I wanted to ask...