Richard Channing

Telly Talk Winner
Reaction score
Tuscany Valley
Member Since
December 21st, 2013
Re-posting these as they were lost with everything else when the site crashed. Opening credits for a Dynasty prequel set in 1969. It includes most of the characters from the Dynasty/Colbys universe, as long as they actor playing them was making TV shows or movies in at the time. All the actor clips are taken from 1969, give or take a year either side (with the exception of Pamela Sue Martin's which is from 1972).

In some cases the difference in age between the actor and the character they played are much more obvious, most notably Gordon Thompson and Stephanie Beacham. In fact, when I was making Stephanie's credit I instinctively placed her in an English country manor as she seemed so young, when in fact, going by The Colby's timeline, she was already living in California with three kids.

The perfectionist in me is not totally happy with a few of these, especially the ones which are quite static, but it wasn't always easy to find suitable clips, so sometimes it was just a question of making do. That said, I'm pleased with how most of them turned out.

Obviously many of these characters stories would not have been interconnected at the time, so I imagine this as something that would have followed various characters lives with story lines intersecting where possible. The special guest stars were either suggested by other forum members or I came up with them myself, some having preconceived roles, others not.