Telly Talk Memorial : What's wrong with you today?


Telly Talk Supreme
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Bethpage, NY


Telly Talk Warrior
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The closing/opening/re-closing/half-opening/half-closing dance at my school is driving me insane. I feel like all I ever do these days are re-planning my lessons. Online or at school? Some online, some at school. No wait, now all online again. But next week they'll be back. Oh, no, we've changed our minds. Half the class online, half in school. New information almost daily. I have no time left for doing my actual job. I spend most time writing over previously written plans in my calendar and copying papers or scanning papers for the pupils. I am so far behind in grading and giving feedback that I might as well just give up on ever catching up.

So insanity is what's wrong with me today. Plus some lingering period cramps.


Telly Talk Warrior
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Happy Gilmore
What's wrong with

My critics and detractors would argue over whether to list my shortcomings numerically or alphabetically. They'd be wrong as the appropriate fashion is randomly. Of course, they'd be working to their own nefarious agender.

Physiologically speaking, I'm now celebrating 26 years of constant knee pain. The opiate meds has made me "fail" drugs tests but are ineffective. Interesting fact, in the UK the meds I'm on are Class C without prescription. I just go on line and click a couple of boxes and two days later collect from the pharmacy. Boxes of 100. Paracetamol is an off the shelf purchase but only in boxes of 16 tablet, one box per transaction. That's the interesting fact.

As for everything else wrong with me? Anybody's guess!

Richard Channing

Telly Talk Winner
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Tuscany Valley
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December 21st, 2013
Physiologically speaking, I'm now celebrating 26 years of constant knee pain. The opiate meds has made me "fail" drugs tests but are ineffective.

Ever tried CBD oil? Or even better cannabis oil (that has THC in it, if you wouldn't mind being kinda stoned a lot of the time:D)? A lot of people get good results for pain relief with both. The CBD oil needs to be a good quality one or it won't do anything. Cannabis oil is obviously harder to come by but probably the most effective of the two. If nothing else is working it could be worth considering.


Telly Talk Warrior
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Favourite Movie
Happy Gilmore
Ever tried CBD oil? Or even better cannabis oil (that has THC in it, if you wouldn't mind being kinda stoned a lot of the time:D)? A lot of people get good results for pain relief with both. The CBD oil needs to be a good quality one or it won't do anything. Cannabis oil is obviously harder to come by but probably the most effective of the two. If nothing else is working it could be worth considering.
I've never really considered CBD or cannabis oil as an alterative. I suppose, actually no supposing, I'm kind of sceptical about their efficacy. I tried CBD to help my mother's condition last year following a recommendation. There was no positive effect on her pains.

I'm considering going back to my quack and ask for stronger meds. I've been known to exceed the prescribed dosage of the current meds with no actual benefit. I've even tried some morphine capsules that a friend gave me. No real reduction.

Snarky Oracle!

Telly Talk Supreme
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What ails me tonight is really not physical and there is no cure. I seem to have come down with a case of the Sunday Night blues. These weekends go way too fast and the next thing you know it’s Monday morning again. I wish we could go to a four day workweek with three days off.

I used to be on a 4-day work week, and it's a very humane way to work and live.

Try lithium orotate for depression, 10mg to 20mg in divided doses. It's a mineral we tend to be low in, and not a drug (with none of the side effects of prescription lithium carbonate). It just makes the brain work better, possibly even warding off dementia.

And it's cheap, OTC, and well-absorbed, that lithium orotate. I recommend it to everybody.


Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
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June 10, 2000
Wasn't sure if this fit better in this thread, or in the Random Things You Hate thread. Since it tangentially involves health, I decided to put it here.

So ever since I moved here I've had the same doctor. He seems pleasant and competent enough, but what I liked the most about him was that he had a lighter patient load than any doctor I've ever had. I could drop by for an appointment on a Monday and be worked in by Wednesday...some times even the same day. All I need is a yearly check-up anyway, and a prescription refill for a blood-pressure med I've taken for 25+ years. I'm an easy patient. So it was time to set an appointment (no more refills on the BP meds), and I dropped by to see---a packed waiting room. How odd, I thought, since he typically had very short wait times. I asked the receptionist about making an appointment for a check-up and she got this uneasy look on her face....then looked at the computer for a bit. She said the doctor was booked solid through August. Wha....? His sister-in-law, also practicing in that group, was also booked solid until late July.

It was only then that I noticed a sign hanging on the door that led into the exam rooms. It featured a giant marijuana leaf and announced my doctor was (as of February 1) certified to be a "Medical Marijuana Doctor". I literally rolled my eyes and said out loud, "Oh, dear God!" as I realized this was why my doctor was suddenly so popular. In the year since I'd visited, he'd apparently gotten certified to write prescriptions for medical marijuana--and I can imagine every half-assed Stoner excuse on Earth has been used by his new stampede of patients to "help their medical issues". It apparently made him and his sister-in-law very, very popular all of a sudden. Imagine that. :re: The office manager asked if I wanted to meet with the Nurse Practitioner instead of my regular doctor, since she had an opening on June 3 (ONE opening). I suggested that they just forward my BP medicine prescription to the pharmacy but he wouldn't do it. So June 3 it is. I bet I'm going to meet some interesting people when I take my turn in the waiting room.

Needless to say I'm going to get a referral for another doctor. They will probably be relieved to lighten their patient load.
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Grant Jennings

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I've avoided posting anything about this but now I've reached a point where I need to vent:

Last year, a week before Thanksgiving, a heavy steel plate (used as a loading dock ramp at work) fell and struck me on my right calf. I howled in pain and used a lot of words that are not normally part of my vocabulary. I left work early and went to a walk-in clinic, they directed me to the emergency room because they felt they could not properly assess my injury. I drove home and asked my brother (who moved in with me shortly after our Mom - who also lived with me - began in-home hospice care) to drive me to the hospital. By this point I was in too much pain to drive, I suspect adrenaline had sustained me initially. The hospital took x-rays: nothing was broken. They performed ultrasound: no sign of a blood clot. I was prescribed oxycodone and told to rest and use ice for a couple of days before returning to work.

I returned to work but the pain I felt from below my knee to my foot got progressively worse throughout the day and worsened with each passing day. After four days I could not function. I managed to drive home and had my brother drive me to the hospital again. Similar treatment to before but this time I spoke to a doctor who had seen similar injuries; he was very honest with me and told me I would have been better off if I had broken my leg. I was referred to an orthopedist.

The orthopedist prescribed physical therapy and drugs to treat my nerves. He suspected I might have Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome but he told me to "push through the pain" despite it often reaching a 10. I checked the doctor's ratings from other patients and discovered he had a very low scores; patients were put-off by his poor bedside manner, "push through the pain" was his go-to phrase for a lot of patients. I was referred to a pain specialist with a Lumbar Pain Block being suggested.

The pain specialist has a much better bedside manner. She tried less extreme procedures at first and increased/add to my prescriptions. This doctor also believes I have Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and wants to follow "an aggressive course of treatment" before my condition gets any worse. She scheduled a Lumbar Pain Block procedure.

Worker's comp insurance has made me jump through hoops. I've had to see additional doctors for "independent medical evaluations" only for them to confirm what the other doctors have said. I've had to phone and e-mail them frequently just to be paid the normal coverage to which I am entitled. Now they don't want to cover the Lumbar Pain block - despite two doctors recommending it. One of the "independent" doctors requested an M.R.I. a month ago but that has yet to be approved by the worker's comp insurance. One of the reasons they won't approve the Lumbar Pain Block is because I haven't had an M.R.I.! Physical Therapy (45 minutes, three times a week but I felt like I ran a marathon after every session) appeared to be helping me maintain my range of motion and improve my balance (which has also become an issue) but worker's comp stopped covering that.

It's been more than five months since I injured myself but I'm still in pain. The drugs that help diminish my tremors (without them my leg shakes and twitches constantly) and reduce the number of muscle spasms I have each day make me lethargic. My sleep is disrupted; I'll wake up due to a muscle spasm and not be able to get back to sleep. I'll fall asleep at random times throughout the day. I'm used to staying busy; my vacations were usually spent on D.I.Y. projects: installing new flooring, building custom bookshelves, sewing window treatments or clothes. Now I sit in a chair all day, alternating between using a TENS unit and icepacks, getting fatter. I've always carried a few extra pounds then I gained weight during the months I was home due to the pandemic. I now weigh the most I ever have. I'm trying to eat healthy and cut down on calories but I don't burn anything because I'm sedentary.

I lost my Mom last February, we were very close. Then came the quarantine. After a few months back at work I injured myself. I'm over it. I'm done.

Sorry for ranting but I needed to get this off my chest.

Daniel Avery

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Sunny South Florida
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June 10, 2000
Workmen's Comp companies are notorious for that sort of jumping-through-hoops expectations. It used to be that way because there were a lot of people who faked injuries (or the extent of them), but it eventually became their standard operating procedure because the companies that contract with them reward them for NOT providing care--that is, dragging out the process so long that the employee either seeks independent care (no longer filing claims) or they simply leave the company. The fewer cases the WC company processes, the lower the rates they'll charge the company for the insurance (which the government requires them to have).

About three years back, a janitor mopped the floor where I work, then immediately replaced a rubber mat without waiting for the floor to dry. A fellow employee came along and the mat skidded underneath her. She landed on her left shoulder and Workmen's Comp had her going for MRIs, all kinds of wacky "sports medicine" tests and therapy, all that rot. Like you, they'd demand the test then not schedule it or help her schedule it herself, then penalize her for not having the test results on time. They routinely rejected any of the doctors she found to do the tests and/or therapy, making it a waste of her money and time. Worse still, the company compelled her to come back to work "on light duty" since they didn't find her problems to be that hard. You can't carry things around with one hand/arm all day without problems, so she ended up causing trouble to the other arm. Workmen's Comp strung her along for eight or nine months, and our manager refused to go to bat on her behalf. I think he wanted her to quit all along because Workmen's Comp claims make the managers look bad to their bosses. She ended up having to have surgery on the originally-injured arm (surgery that would not have been necessary if she'd gotten immediate, serious treatment rather than WC's piecemeal approach), and physical therapy on the other arm too. So their approach did NOT save money at all, and most importantly they made her life hell for a solid year. By law they were supposed to "hold" her job for her while she recovered, but the manager replaced her anyway. My guess is that she told him she had no intention of returning, given how poorly she was treated. The sad part? If she had just been a vendor rep or some outside visitor, she would have been attended to and treated like a Queen with every possible thing done to help her get better. Our manager would have kissed her ass for fear that she would sue their asses off for making her get hurt on their property.

Snarky Oracle!

Telly Talk Supreme
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Try lithium orotate for depression, 10mg to 20mg in divided doses. It's a mineral we tend to be low in, and not a drug (with none of the side effects of prescription lithium carbonate). It just makes the brain work better, possibly even warding off dementia.

And it's cheap, OTC, and well-absorbed, that lithium orotate. I recommend it to everybody.

I've been posting like crazy two or three days.

It must be the lithium. Maybe I should scale back the dosage.


Angela Channing

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Before we went into lockdown last year I was worried about I was going to cope with my depression on my own. Surprisingly, I was ok apart for the first month when I started drinking again but thankfully that was short lived. Ironically, now the lockdown has started to ease, last week out of the blue I was hit by a sudden wave of depression which left me in a very dark place for much longer than is usually the case. It's taken several days but I've been able to pull myself out of it. I'm not back to being myself 100% but I'm getting there. Today I felt it coming on again so I went to the gym as it helps to have other people around me and also to do something physical. I'm trying to keep busy at home now to avoid slipping back into the feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness that has been with me recently. However, it does feel like a temporary set back rather than sinking into another long extended period of depression and I feel once I get through today things will be better tomorrow.


Telly Talk Superstar
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08 August 1999
I have had insomnia a lot in my life but recently it is getting worse. The lockdowns and stay at home orders is making my anxiety issues return. I also have diabetes and thyroid , and blood pressure issues so it takes a lot to get motivated. It will be 7 years this August 31st since losing my Mom, I miss her so much , but being isolated for a year and a half really is taking its toll.


Telly Talk Supreme
Top Poster Of Month
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Bethpage, NY
I have had insomnia a lot in my life but recently it is getting worse. The lockdowns and stay at home orders is making my anxiety issues return. I also have diabetes and thyroid , and blood pressure issues so it takes a lot to get motivated. It will be 7 years this August 31st since losing my Mom, I miss her so much , but being isolated for a year and a half really is taking its toll.
The lockdowns don’t help, do they? Unfortunately they give you way too much time to think. We never really had an official lockdown where I live but still I was home every night last year because there was nowhere to go and we had to be cautious. There were times I thought I was going to go nuts sitting here.

And I’m sorry about ur mom. But listen to someone who’s mother died 13 years ago and has never been the same since, you didn’t lose her. She’s still with you and she’s helping you get through ur issues. It may sound corny but trust me, I can feel my mom’s presence every day. And she guides me through so many issues. Ur mom never stops being ur mom, whether she’s here or not. You’re gonna be fine!


Telly Talk Supreme
Top Poster Of Month
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Bethpage, NY
I think what ails me tonight is something I’m sure we can all relate to. It’s my heart. It seems to have been broken in several pieces. Someone I love very much has moved three states over. I can’t say I’m surprised, as I knew this day was coming for a long time.

But for DFF, it was much more than a friendship. At least that’s what I always hoped for, but she didn’t share those sentiments. She loved me as a friend, and nothing more. And that’s okay, cause you can’t force someone to feel those things. It has to come naturally.

I told her last year how I felt about her, and she was very flattered. But she had no interest in letting it be anything more than just friendship. And let’s face it, it’s pretty hard being just friends with someone when you have those kinds of feelings for them.

So in this past year we drifted apart. We’d still bump into each other at work once in awhile, but it became awkward. And to make things worse, my feelings for her have not changed. I love her more now than I ever did, and I always will. She moved away to follow her dream, and I can’t fault her for that. I just wish I was that dream instead. That was really all I ever wanted, but I know now it wasn’t meant to be.

Maybe the hardest part for me is the finality of it. It’s hitting me that I’ll probably never see her again, and that makes me sad. Or maybe someday we do meet up again, and maybe we’re both in different places in our lives, and maybe then things can be different for us, but that’s sure a lot of wishful thinking on my part.

As someone close to me pointed out recently, her leaving might be the best thing for me. It’s time to move on. And I know that deep down, but it’s still very confusing. I can’t just turn off what I’m feeling. It’s going to take some time. I guess I always held out hope we’d end up together, and despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary, I never gave up on her possibly changing her mind.

I know you’ll probably never read this, but take care of urself. And always know that I love you. I will love you forever, even though it was never the same kind of love for you. What I’ve learned is there are many different kinds of love in this world. And the love you did show me, even if it wasn’t the kind of love I wanted, was still love nonetheless. And for that I’m eternally grateful to you.

You are the most wonderful woman I have ever known. and thank you for everything you did for me. And most importantly, thank you for being there for me during a couple of the darkest times in my life. I will never forget you, and I was so lucky to have you in my life.